Saturday, July 4, 2009

Off to the beach...

...just for a couple of days. Thank you so much to everyone who has left such wonderful comments this week :) I've been so blown away by the kindness and generosity of my fellow bloggers. Don't know how I'm going to cope away from my computer... yep, I'm hooked on this blogging thing. No doubt it'll be good for me! ;) Have a great weekend!


  1. Oh lucky you. Breathe a little warm sea air for me too?

  2. Have a great time Kylie! We're going to England for 2 weeks tomorrow. I can't wait to go "up north", go for long walks on the Yorkshire moors and get out of the sun for a while! Know what you know about the blogging addiction, and I've only been doing this for one week ! Loving every minute of it!

  3. Have a fab time Kylie- I agree, blogging addiction is good for one (no bad skin days, no empty calories... beats chocolate anyday!)

  4. Hope you're having a ball. Oh, and I just awarded you a lovely blog award too - I notice you've received it once or twice already but I wanted people to know how much I love your blog!

  5. Hi Kylie, I have just awarded you with a 'make-my-heart-smile-blog-award'! enjoy as is or pass it on to another ten!

  6. hope u had a wonderful time. the sun is streaming in my kitchen and only have a tshirt on, so not fealing jelous at all!
