Thursday, July 9, 2009

My Creative Space... stitching felt

I realise with school holidays and everything a lot of us missed each others creative spaces last week... just as well in my case because I'm still working on the same thing! So, hopefully, this won't be too boring for too many of you... ;)

Last week, I found the inspiring work of Lucie Summers and decided to have a go at printing felt myself. Here's what I did...

Since then, we've had a couple of days at the beach too and I managed to stitch around my print patterns in different colours... (I think I'm on a bit of a 'colour' thing at the moment!) The plan is to make them brooches but they need more work, some interesting layers or something...

I'm sure there'll be a whole swag of Creative Spaces to look at today. Visit Kirsty's here to find them or to sign up and play along yourself!


  1. It looks wonderful. I love the stitching detail.

  2. I love the orange and yellow stitching best. These are looking seriously great, i can imagine them with a bit more embellishment.
    Great job Kylie!

  3. They are going to be really lovely - I love the accent of colour too. x

  4. These are coming up so well. You must be wrapped. I love the one with the little red dot!! Super cool. xx

  5. Ah, now you've got me thinking about something new, printing on felt! I really like these, and the stitching looks great. Nice idea!

  6. still looking terrific and so like what the felt is sitting on

  7. another great creation by you!!!

  8. Thanks everyone - you're very kind. They aren't quite anything yet, but hopefully they'll turn into something good ;) The print I've got them on for the photo is one of those prints from my screenprinting, Sharon, on the litho paper. Thanks again! :) K

  9. I saw Lucie's felting work too and I think your printing looks great. (thought so last week too but don't think I left a comment) Well done for trying something new too! That's the hard bit.

  10. They look great Kylie, I can't wait to see where you will take them- I love this layered process and how these transform step-by-step-

  11. Fabulous work Kylie. They look so gorgeous, the first is my favourite I think. What type of felt did you print on?

  12. I thought the printed felt in itself looked pretty great, but then you stitched them too? Absolutely beautiful! I think you're onto a winner here.

  13. Kylie, they are so beautiful. A great space!

  14. They look great Kylie - I'm liking the colour stitching. Look forward to seeing the end product :-) p.s Spooks was awesome - it's the only tv show I watch without fail.

  15. Thanks for the lovely comments :)
    Gina - I just used acrylic felt from Lincraft that I happened to have in my drawer. I'd really like to explore other felts though - any suggestions?

  16. gorgeous ~ i like the top one best. curious to see what you will add to them :)

  17. That works brilliantly! They look lovely, Kylie. :)

  18. These are beautiful Kylie, I love the touch of colour.

  19. I really love what you did! Printing and embroidery, two of my favorite things!

  20. Your brooches are just looking beautiful. Very inspiring to come by and visit!

  21. I did see them last week, but not bored at all - they're still lovely! How about a 100% wool felt? The hand dyed stuff always feels so much more luxurious than the machine version too.

  22. These look fantastic. I especially like the blue!

  23. oh my goodness these are amazing! thanks for sharing....

  24. Your work is so beautiful! I am courious how they will look as brooches.

  25. Oooooh - I'm always on the lookout for printed felt, this looks fabulous! :D

  26. Kylie, they look gorgeous! I wish all my experiments went as beautifully as this. They remind me of vintage embroidery from afghanistan. Love, love love the orange thread one and the very top one.

  27. These are gorgeous! Nice creative space!

  28. wow, it is so intricate. Looks lovely.

  29. wow love them :-) your prints are so crisp and the stitches make it stand out - love your work :-)

  30. They look fabulous. I love the one with red stitching.

  31. Thanks for all your lovely comments :) Do you know, Alisa, you've hit the nail on the head there - they remind me of those Afghanistan textiles too! I was wondering what it was about them that tweaked at my memory! Thanks for this. K x

  32. Kylie, I love it! I can't believe I missed so many of your posts but now it's just like one BIG treat! :) This is amazing & I want to try it myself soon too! :) :)
