Friday, July 10, 2009

Inspiration: Camellias on concrete

I'm bursting with inspiration today and have lots of ideas to experiment with. So, I'm posting very quickly while hoping to get on with my things! These photos I took at a friends house the other weekend. Her darling little boy gave me two camellias and they fell on the concrete before I could catch them... and then I couldn't stop looking at them :) The layers are just exquisite and the softness of the petals against the rough concrete... just love it. So, I'm sharing this inspiration and sending out a sorry for not getting to everyone's blog this morning - I'll have a look tonight! Have a great day! :) Kylie


  1. How pretty, and what lovely photos. The soft petals with the concrete, and even the black shoes, is such a nice composition. Enjoy the inspiration!

  2. Beautiful. I love camellias. My uncle + aunt used to live at this house where the whole garden was filled with ancient camellia trees. It was magical.
    Thanks for the beautiful photos. They look like little fairy skirts.
    Enjoy your weekend.

  3. It is funny what can cause inspiration to strike! Thanks for sharing yours. It makes you look more closely at things.

  4. Love it Kylie:-) I'm up in Bronte land, West Yorkshire at the moment and I keep seeing the same kind of compositions on the moors - heather against granite, moss on dry stone walls, reeds against slate, just beautiful.

  5. yes dreamy, soft pastel pink bursting with sweet lolly hues, chastened by the grey rough concrete- black shiny boots adds a sophistication and brill sheen

  6. beautiful, colour, texture and layering....great for inspiration

  7. They're perfect just as they are. It's great when these little serendipitous moments happen!

  8. I am amazed you have the little ones already!- they flew fast...Thank you for liking them- I hope they brighten up a little spot in your home-
    lovely inspiration here- there is this flower shop which is full of lovely-lovely things and the owner really takes care of how everything is displayed- once in a while she goes to the end of her street and throws petals on the pavement all the way to her door- it looks so beautiful and uplifting in the middle of downtown Vancouver...
    Have a great ,busy day Kylie-
    Annamaria xx

  9. Wow, the second picture is especially pretty :)

  10. Thanks everyone for your wonderful comments! I'm glad I'm not the only one who looks at things this way! ;) I've been so busy working away on something completely new for me... you won't believe what's come out of these little petals! have a fabulous weekend! K x
