Sunday, June 7, 2009

Sunday Stash: Buckles

I love buckles - I mean, what an ingenious design, don't you think?! So simple but so effective. Above are some old ones I've found at markets etc and I think they're works of art. One day I'll do something with them - here's hoping! 

Other Sunday Stashes can be found here.


  1. These are gorgeous...

    Just owning them with no plan whatsoever seems like the best plan of all!

    Tam xo

  2. I love vintage buckles too! I've been collecting a pile of them in these past few months alone. I don't actually wear them much, but I think I should start!

  3. love those buckles and trying to get this comment to work

  4. Sorry - but I'm glad you got through! :) K

  5. They are fantastic buckles. I would have them in a place that I could just stare at them on and off through out the day.
