Saturday, June 6, 2009

100 Posts!

I've just realised that this is my 100th post – wow, has that come around quickly! I should have been more organised... a giveaway or something, but no. Sorry guys... Instead, I'm posting to say I have a dinner party tonight and I'm going to be cleaning and cooking all day! And to show you my table... I always do it first so that no matter how late I'm running at the end, it's done ;) and aside from the food, well, nothing else really matters, does it?

We just love having dinner parties. I know it's tres out of vogue but we don't care. It doesn't matter that you often don't get the 'return dinner'... actually, put like that, it sounds so structured and icky - not fun at all. I just love that relaxed, fun, quality time with people you really like. And yes, the setting may be a bit formal (but that's only because I'm anal and totally love the whole theatricality of a dinner party table!) Hope you all have a fabulous Saturday night with family friends good food and yummy wine :) We'll be having the slow-cooked lamb shanks with a delicious red!


  1. Absolutely gorgeous, just stunning and lamb shanks!!!! can I come?
    Thanks for your kind words, touched my soul and made me get teary eyed, will feel better now, thank you.

  2. and congrats on 100! addictive isn't it?

  3. Hope you have a great dinner party - coming from UK there quite common but over here in NZ I'd be thought very wierd to invite people to a dinner party because they are sooooooo laid back!!!!!! Way to go with the 100 post - you got there so quick! x

  4. yah! you're in. Umm...I think if you have signed up for 2, it means you get 2 gifts, one from me and one from the other person you signed up with...BUT does that mean you have to post it twice on your blog?? Which would mean you would have to make 10 gifts, oops! Oh well not really sure how it works, will be fun though:-) My husband thinks it should be like a chain system, where if you sign up for one and you post it on your blog etc, the person you entered with should be the first person on your list - otherwise you get something from them but don't get the chance to make something for them. Does that make any sense?? Glad you're in anyhow. Have a great evening - looks very inviting. I'm on a 'lunch break' from my sister's wedding...she looked beautiful!!

  5. no that's not right...I make something for you but I don't think we get to exchange - I think you just make for the 5 that enter on your blog post. I will be in contact to grab a postal address, once I've worked out how to play this game properly :-)

  6. thanks for your comment ~ your blogs are great :)

  7. Congratulations on 100 posts! Hooray!

    Your table setting looks gorgeous - yellow and grey is a favourite combination!

  8. congrats on the milestone! here's to the next 100. lovely table, btw.

  9. Thanks for all your lovely comments!
    We had a lovely night and the food was amazing - the lamb shanks cooked perfectly and my husband made an incredible mushroom risotto to go with it (he's a much better cook than me!).
    Hope you all had a great night too! K

  10. I didn't realise dinner parties were out of vogue. I still love having a dp. In fact we had one on Friday. You can pop over and see my beautiful meringue I made for the evening. I hope it all went went smashingly. Your table looks lovely.

  11. Sounds like it went well. I'd give anything to be able to go to a dinner party - formal or laid-back. Our dinners here at home are so awful. Without fail every Sunday night the little guy gets sat in the naughty corner or put to bed early after his dinner time antics. What am I saying it's not just Sunday!!

    lamb shanks ...mmmmmmmm wine ...mmmmmmm

  12. Ohh, that all looks so lovely and brings back memories of place settings before kids (no our once lovely parker table is seriously scarred & covered in plastic....not so glamourous!)
