Friday, May 15, 2009

Make Your Own

This is so freaky – I don't know if anyone remembers a post of mine from last month about how I want to invent a paper-like fabric for dresses that you can draw on...? So, imagine my surprise when I saw this fabulous story on accidental mysteries. These super talented people have done it! Michiel Schuurman and Berber Soepboer are the designers who have developed the Colour-In Dress. They also collaborated on the very funky Replacement Dress (below). Both were made for a show last year at the prestigious De Ploeg textile factory. The idea with both dresses is that the wearer is responsible for part of how the dress looks, either in decoration or construction.


  1. you find the most fabulous things!!! this is amazing :)

  2. They are amazing! I love that one of them has a vest coloured in as well, so cool.

  3. Amazing!! how annoying though that you already had the idea!!

  4. What is it they say about "there's no such thing as an original idea"...? That happens all the time I think. (I'm just glad someone's done it!) K
