Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The chosen one

Remember the quandary about the chevron designs?
Well, the client has made her choice... and the favourite won :)

So, I have another 3 to do and the design takes about a week each to complete. 
I just have to get back into mad-crochet mode again now!

I had a lovely weekend off. Hope you had a good one too :)


  1. Yay, they made the best choice too! Now. Serious bit, I think you should make yourself a cake & decorate like the cushion to celebrate... :)

  2. phew! that has felt like an epic decision! I'm glad they were happy.

  3. Finally a disicion, that will give you a little peace in your head. Best wishes for the next 3 to make.

  4. :) I mean decision... sorry for the typo.

  5. Glad you've got a decision. Good luck with all that stitchery!

  6. Wow, a week each! I'm sure they would take me longer! Do they have a name? Perhaps the 'One week chevron,' in honor of all that work? Can't wait to see them all made up and relaxing on your lounge chair in a few weeks time. :)

  7. Your cushions look great all together in the last post .If I had made those I would want to keep them all. I hope you are being properly remunerated!!! :)

  8. I love the colours, they would be a little to bold for my lounge room, but it is a great combination!
