Saturday, January 7, 2012

Pattern making (of a different sort)

I found this wonderful book on drafting your own patterns and thought it might 
be fun to try this method of dressmaking construction... (I've decided the just-cut-
and-adapt-later method is rather wasteful).

And this is what I made...

I asked my big girl for a description of her 'perfect dress', took exhaustive 
measurements and then drafted my pattern. I made a mock-up in calico, which 
ended up being the lining.

It's not perfect but all in all I think it's okay. She loves it too and has already worn 
it out and about (which surely with any teenager is the real barometer of whether 
it's 'passed the grade'?!) ;)

Now she wants me to make her a dress from Belinda's and Susie's beautiful fabrics...
but she'll have to wait for a bit. We're off to the mountains for a break. I'm so 
looking forward to pure crochet time :) Oh, and I'm really looking forward to reading 
the new Haruki Murakami book too...

Have a lovely week!


  1. i think the fact that she wears it is definitely a positive sign!
    love the colour and style. was just looking in a book shop with a friend at some japanese pattern books that made sewing look like origami ~ made me want to learn!
    thanks for showing my fabrics here.
    have a lovely escape xx

  2. OH Kylie it's more than OK. It's just gorgeous! and suits her so much! xo
    PS Mum opened my present yesterday ( she had a delayed bday - long story) and absolutely LOOOVES her cushions. I mean seriously!!! ANd my dad is very enamored of them too ! I think she's going to write you an email . thank you SO MUCH!!

  3. Such a gorgeous dress Kylie! How do you manage to just whizz up these gems!? And a belated Happy New Year to you. Have a lovely time in the mountains. I might fly over an join you, it’s sounding very appealing! Dan is reading the new Murakami book at the moment. Hope you enjoy it :) xx

  4. Wow, you're good. And yes, anything approved by a teenager must be ok!

  5. Kyile you are amazing. Wish I had your sewing talante. Gorgeous dress!

  6. wow you have obviously done good if she will wear it out and about! Beautiful!

  7. What a lucky girl to have such a multi-talented mom!!Looks fabulous!
    Have fun at the mountain...XX

  8. you are so uber talented, Kylie and your big girl looks just fab in your creation!

    And I should know you are uber talented as guess what arrived today...OMG , Kylie, I LOVE it!!

    Hope you are having a wonderful break in the mountains xx

  9. super cute dress...what a lucky girl! Glad I stumbled upon your blog... :)

  10. i love this and it looks super on your big girl : ) cutest collar, key hole and the red zip!!! love these details. you are one clever lady. is there anything you can not do?? ; ) x
