Monday, November 28, 2011

Holidays + pressies

My girls have finished school for the year and we are officially on holidays!
I won't be around this week but I do have a creative space item to leave here...

My youngest's class had a secret santa last week. They were allotted the name 
of a class member with whom they are not usually friends and had to do nice 
things for them. Then, on the last day of school, they had to give them a gift (no 
more than $5 in value) and reveal who they are. 

After thinking about what $5 buys these days, the Little One and I decided we 
could come up with something better from what we had at home... and so a pencil 
case was created for the price of a green zip, a gifted hand-screenprinted panel by 
Anna Bartlett at Shiny Happy Art of Christmas Angels and a panel of my very first 
attempt at screenprinting on a thrifted tablecloth.

Other stuff which we used that I already had were the Fabrico Fabric Markers 
bought ages ago from hereAnna doesn't do these particular panels anymore but 
she does have some other Christmas Angels here.

So, this is the result. 

I'm told she loved it :) See you in about a week's time!


  1. Fabulous work you two! What a lovely gift. Love that lining fabric so much.


  2. Excellent gift! I love how you've done the end of the zipper!x

  3. love the lining. love the zipper, love the green. Oh and of course the outside too!
    Happy holidays!

  4. Very cute idea. I love when handmade is so much better!

  5. Sweet gift! Happy holidays for all of you!!

  6. Aww, that's a lovely secret santa :) Good work!

  7. So glad you finally got to use it! My son is taking a bag of chocolates for his Secret Santa tomorrow - so I'm glad there's a little bit of Shiny Happy going on somewhere! It's just lovely.

  8. What a glorious idea! Enjoy your holiday Kylie.

  9. Next year...I may have to sneak into your daughters secret Santa list...gorgeous! I
