Friday, October 28, 2011

Inspiration: Mr Dries VN

I've been crocheting madly here but my mind has been drifting to thoughts 
of fabric. I'm itching to start screen printing again and have been dreaming 
of different fabric designs.

These took my breath away this morning... Dries Van Noten's Spring 2012 
collection. This man is the king of fabric design... his clothes are pretty good too ;) 
The pics below are my favourites. You can see the whole collection here.

I have finished going through my two-year's worth of mags... the dining table is 
now cleared... Time to start some screen printing I think :)
What do you have planned for the weekend?


  1. GASP! (to all of them - including the all black affair - cos I'm such a Melbourne girl at heart).

  2. oh my, gorgeous clothes!

    Weekend? taking it easy... I'd like a lazy one..

  3. I can see why you're I wish I could do that kind of printing too. I love the simple blocks of graphics in the designs..amazing!

  4. I LOVE Dries Van Noten. Must say I'm a sucker for that all black thing - look at the cut and texture on that coat - love it!!!!!

  5. aren't they amazing. love the collage style. beautiful!

  6. These are so fresh and interesting. Thanks for finding something inspiring and different! I cannot wait to see what you do.

  7. Love these colours Kylie, the aqua jade is rather cheery don't you think? I wish I could afford the clothes too! kxx
