Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Every little thing...

I've been thinking of that Police song ever since I received some magical mail...
Contemplating my fabulous arrivals, I've realising that these three bloggers, 
well, I just love everything they do.

So, here's some pics – a visual feast – and if you feel like singing 'Every little thing 
they do is magic' I don't blame you one little bit.. :)

Seriously gorgeous fabric and prints from the very talented Ms Belinda at Gretchenmist - 
blog and shop.

The most stunning graphic prints from the fabulous Ms Francesca at Mrs Eliot Books 
blog and shop.

And the fresh original prints of the lovely Ms Kerry at Seventy Tree - blog and shop.

Actually, these prints from Kerry are my gift from a Pay it Forward... aren't I lucky? :)
But you know what a Pay it Forward means... yep, my turn to pay. 

I'm going to put together five different gift parcels of something I've made... not sure yet
what that will be... it could be a brooch, or some screen printed fabric or some crochet,
I haven't decided. I send one of them to you and then you pay-it-forward to five people 
on your blog... simple?... My dad always used to say 'clear as mud' :)

So, if you would like to take part in the Pay it Forward and receive a gift from me,
leave a comment and your contact details below and the first five will be my PiFs :)

Leaving a comment does not mean you sign up for it! 
Don't feel bad if you can't (it is a busy time of year!) I'll only count you as in if you say 
"count me in", okay? ;)


  1. Oooh, you lucky girl! Great goodies you have.

  2. I have that drop print by Kerry... lovely! xx yes please to play xx

  3. thanks kylie!! really glad you like them!
    i so love franscesca's prints ~ have my eye on a few of them :)

  4. I'm a sucker for signing up for things I have no time to do, so hey ho count me in! What fun. Please, thank you!

  5. Awesome stuff - love it all too. The Pay it forward idea is a great one but - I hadn't heard of it before!
    Have fun:)

  6. beautiful things you have and share here! Glad I found your blog!

  7. Wonderful prints!
    Gretchenmist work is magical!
