Monday, October 10, 2011


We had a very quick stay in Antwerp again this year. While the Mr was taking care 
of business, the girls and I walked around exploring...

I was so looking forward to going to the Solarshop and to the Museum of Fashion... 

Unfortunately, it was a Monday and, if you're planning a visit there, I can warn you 
ahead of time that none of the museums etc are open on a Monday :(

We did find a honey bear though :)

And we had a great time walking around. I popped in on a lovely friend to say hi...

... and we had loads of amazing chocolate! :) Paris tomorrow!


  1. Man, I wish I could end a post with "Paris tomorrow!" ;)

    Looks like SO. MUCH. FUN.

  2. You couldn't do Antwerp (or any bit of Belgium) without chocolate. It's a rule.

  3. What a fantastic trip! My little guy keeps asking to go to Paris ALL THE TIME, I don't know where the burning desire comes from but if ever the opportunity arises I'm there!

  4. Oh those Museum Mondays are so frustrating!!! When I visit a place, I'm usually flying in on the weekend and raring to go on a Monday. I hope you made it to the Museum of Fashion at some point?

  5. I loved Antwerp and all of Belgium, so beautiful! Really enjoying your travel pics, keep them coming!(And so jealous you had a view of the Tate Modern in London!!)

  6. Oh, I'm so thrilled that you came to Antwerp! I love 'my' city and I'm always so proud when people feature it on their blogs :-)

    x E.

  7. so sorry that you had to miss the good stuff... i warned you a while ago and suggested to contact the boys from solarshop....
    anyway, looks like the weather was nice that day! and chocolate is the best here, huh?
