Thursday, September 8, 2011

Our Creative Spaces - MOF 2

I'm still doing my Month of Finishing (MOF) here. This is an 
embarrassing one actually. It's a dress I was making for a friend. 
Do you remember this fabric

It's been draped over the mannequin for quite a few months now.
I just couldn't seem to cut into it. I have no idea what my problem was
but at least it's done now...

I ended up adding a bit of colour on the straps to link in with 
the tree colour in the screen print. I also lined it because it
is quite see-through...

My friend has been really lovely about it, but I feel bad for taking so 
long. So, I'm working on a necklace design to go with the dress... 
a bit of block printing, a bit of stitchery and hopefully finished with 
some silversmithery too :)

What in your creative space today? You can find more spaces here.

I nearly forgot! This is my 500th post :) 

Big thanks to everyone who's supported me along the way. You are all totally amazing 
and have helped me so much with your encouragement. September is a very busy month 
for me (we'll be travelling - yah!) but I will have a giveaway in October to say thank you :)


  1. Love the dress. Worth the wait. Everything you do is so unique and special. Happy travels!

  2. Gorgeous dress!! I'm sure your friend won't mind that it took a bit longer... well worth it and just in time for summer too :)

  3. It's a dress worth waiting for so I'll bet your friend won't mind at all - the pattern is really pretty, it hangs so well too

    Jem xXx

  4. How magnificent. Nothing like the love of handmade! And that necklace looks like it is going to unreal!

  5. oh yeah, that dress looks like it was definitely worth the wait!

    happy 500th, yay Kylie ♥

  6. another beauty!
    love the detail on the straps.
    am sure your friend will be happy with it :)

  7. OH my god I LOVE the dress. Really love it and really jealous of your friend.
    god you're clever.
    And Wohoo happy 500! xo

  8. Yay 500 posts! love the dress and just perfect for this weather. x

  9. Congratulations on the 500 posts! So much inspiration and creativeness.
    The dress looks wonderful. What amazing fabric to work with, no wonder you didn't want to cut into it. I'm sure your friend is less worried about the length of time it has taken than you are. But I'm also sure she won't turn down an extra piece of loveliness. I know I wouldn't! :)

  10. it's gorgeous kylie, i love the fabric. you've realy got a talent for it. i liked that shot in march of it draped over the mannequin uncut too, it would also have made a lovely 'sack' dress. i love playing around with things to get them right. it's just instinctive isn't it. happy blogging! x

  11. Great dress... and happy happy 500!

  12. just beautiful, are so talented! Congrats on your 500th post! Can't wait for you to be back from travels (so sorry to not manage a meet up ;-( ) and keep up with more. Have a wonderful trip xx

  13. Really impressive - love the fabric and your problem solving approach really paid off. Way to go with the MOF!

  14. Looks like it is perfect timing for spring!. It really is beautiful.

  15. Oh well done you! It looks amazing! Yay for getting things done. x

    ps Found an incredible site (Plenty of Colour) in your sidebar links list and I'm completely smitten - is that the blog that the incredible colored flat came from?

  16. What a great dress! I think sometimes the uncut fabric is like a blank piece of paper. It's that first bit of movement that just takes extra courage! Happy 500!

  17. another great kylie creation!!!
    happy 500

  18. Oh my word it's beautiful! Your friend is so so so lucky!

  19. lovely as always friend!! congrats on 500 posts!!

  20. Hi Kylie,

    Nice post again:)

    I would like to give you the versatile blogger award. I won the award and I can pass it to other bloggers I admire. I hope you want to accept it! More info on:

    Have a great weekend!

  21. I know this fabric well. I know how hard it is to cut. Your dress is gorgeous!
    Happy 500! xx

  22. wowness, 500 posts!!!! congrats, such an achievement lades. i LOVE your blog so and enjoy my visits here a big bunch.

    awesome dress, embarrassing? pea-shaw! is it b/c of the timeline you feel that way? great things sometimes take many moments to become what they are so if that's it then never mind the bollocks, as it were. you've done it again and it looks marvelous! ♥

  23. That dress is mighty cool! Love it and how cool it would be to have the last part as a pocket on a skirt of something? Wow! Love your blockprinting, Kylie!
