Monday, September 5, 2011

Inspiration: Jenni Rope

I've just discovered an amazing Finnish artist, Jenni Rope, and have 
lost hours looking through her incredible portfolio. She does everything! 

Based in Helsinki, she exhibits internationally and runs Napa Books 
and Gallery. Her works span painting, illustration, jewellery, animation, 
publishing and fabric design (for Marimekkko, no less!).

Thanks to Renilde for introducing me to Jenni Rope's work :)

Some favourites are below...

Jenni Rope: Kiipeilypuu / The Climbing Tree from Jenni Rope on Vimeo.


  1. Oh SNAP!! Carly@Moopy&me introduced me to Jenni Ropes work only recently - She's fabulous!! Instant fav, especially because she animates her work - what a woman. : )

  2. love her work too!

    How long will you stay in Antwerp Kylie?

  3. Thank you Kylie for introducing me. I adore all of her work. What talent! Hope you have a lovely week xx

  4. Such a nice and inspiring post! Love everything! Her work was unknown to me.

    Thanks for your comments on my blog:)
    By the way, I have pinned your triangles:

    Have a great week!

  5. What incredible work. Truly inspirational! Love her use of colour on the fabrics x

  6. How fabulous! Where does she find the time to do everything?????

  7. Oh I love her work too- totally awesome- but haaven't seen the dresses before- great stuff!XX

  8. ive been a lazy blogger lately....
    so much goodness going on on your blog......
    i love EVERYTHING in this post

  9. those dresses are phenoms! works of art, the play with colors is beloved indeed! what a talented girl she is, thanks for sharing Kylie. ♥

  10. I love Jenni's work as well. Have a couple books by her in the shop.
