Thursday, August 4, 2011

Our Creative Spaces - Repeat Patterns

I've been trying to be more pattern-organised in my creative space this week...
and this is what I've come up with.

My process with composing the crocheted triangle cushions is so erratic, 
so haphazard... I'll crochet up the triangles I think I'd like and then only 
once I see them next to each other do I realise whether they'll 'work' or not.
Consequently, I have a lot of spare triangles in the 'didn't work' pile.

So, I've gone back to this wonderful book and have been 
playing with pattern making.

It's been a fabulous help with figuring out more complex forms.

My own triangle grid has helped me compose colour combinations on the 
computer so I can get a better idea of whether they'll work...

... and I can calculate how many triangles I'll need ahead of time 
so there's less time wastage.

This is all probably sounding incredibly anal, but it helps me feel more 
productive and less like a meandering ninny ;)

More creative spaces can be found right here.


  1. you are so funny!! i'll do anything to avoid feeling like a meandering ninny ;)
    would still love to get a copy of this book ~ it looks excellent.
    am sure your spare triangles will come in handy.

  2. I like Meandering Ninny! Unexpected things happen. But I like the faintly Escher approach too...

  3. When I saw that photo small I thought it was tiles, wouldn't that be fantastic too!
    I love that the possibilities are endless and I'm loving the lines in your new designs :-)

  4. Oh man, meandering ninny that's me! But on the odd day when I feel like a focused, experienced super person I would so love to bottle it. Sounds like you've found a way and it looks fun. x

  5. These triangles keep on evolving - I love how you've arranged these! Its starting to get more technical, how to arrange them. But like you say - it'll help not waste precious crochet time!XX

  6. Meandering ninny is probably the last thing I think of you as.
    I don't think you sound anal at all, just wise and sensible.
    I wish I had some sensible ways in my crafting xo

  7. you have the true markings of creative genius Kylie! all artists that make it big have the erratic flares to their works. not a meandering ninny at ALL! quite the opposite, just look at all the results you create. i love the colors for this piece, so grounded and warm. ♥

  8. It actually sounds incredibly smart and efficient to me (but, then, I'm an organized one too). I love the idea of the patterns!

  9. that is AMAZING that you put that much time into it- no wonder they look so fabulously wonderful. What patience. I am mpressed again Ms Kylie.

  10. are you kidding, that sounds like a great idea, that make wonderful art works too!

  11. I love the triangle pattern you have come up with... it looks quite art deco to me :) A great idea using a grid too... hope the lonely unused triangles find a home :)

  12. Fabulous design! If this process leads to such awesome designs then I think you must be on the right track!


  13. This looks like a great process, and it's definitely produced a great design. It's a great idea to have a really good play before you have to move on to actually making them - you're getting the fun bit and the productive bit all together!

  14. Totally loving this arrangement. Feels really graphic, fresh and modern. Nice one ;-)

  15. Are you kidding? I only dream of being that organised Kylie. In fact, I'm going to try and take a leaf out of your book and have a minimum idea of compostion before I start. I swear I can start something in one corner and finish in the opposite at the end. A little forward thinking can go a long way!
