Thursday, July 28, 2011

Our Creative Spaces - WIP

 My creative space this week. So much time is spent on the sofa these days 
crocheting away. Must schedule in a walk or some stair-stomping ;)

I have a commission for a crochet triangle cushion for a boy's room.
I've been given the colours but I'm still playing around with options to make it 'work'.

What have you been up to? 
Any advice for working off sofa time?

See more creative spaces here.


  1. fun!! love the bright triangles.
    i've been doing the 'shred' 20 min workouts to work off the sitting all day thing!! it's hilarious! but it does help :)

  2. The triangles are looking fabulous, love Posie

  3. I love your little couch position.. looks very cosy and hard to move from :) I just love your triangle!! And they are SO perfect too... love it :)

  4. saying it again: I love the colours!! LOVE!!!

  5. Looking good... and what a fantastic bookshelf!

  6. hmmmm custom orders are much more difficult than making what you feel like making!
    I do not know how you get the triangles so neat. They look brilliant Kylie!xx

  7. Those triangles are super neat - well done! Love your wavy bookshelf too.

  8. Crochet While Walking! Probably easier than the Knit Walk, I reckon???

  9. That looks like a very cozy space! Can you crochet while bouncing on an exercise ball? Raise the crochet over your head every few seconds? ;)

  10. Hi! Triangles look great and new shape after all grannies! I love your colours too! I picked your cushion with Marimekko's Unikko Fabric! I'm from Finland so my eyes catch Marimekko!
    Wishes from Greece!

  11. LOve seeing the triangles again.
    Exciting about the commission too.
    Crochet while walking up and done the stairs? xo

  12. I know! I work on the couch on my laptop all day (PhD), as it is the warmest room in the house! But then I realise that my average exercise each day is hanging clothes out, cooking and maybe ducking to the shops. I try on the weekends to be more physical, walk instead of drive and just get out of the house for a while!

  13. hi kylie . wish i could share a spot for a chat while you crochet and I'll create birds

  14. Your triangles are so perfect Kylie.
