Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Still posting about my trip... (are you bored yet?) I think this is special enough to share... the Chicago Architecture Foundation river tour of the city's architecture. It was fabulous seeing so many famous buildings from a different perspective with the volunteer guide providing juicy stories and interesting snippets to go with each place.



I just couldn't stop taking photos of under the bridges...!

I was totally geek-girl-taking-strange-pics ;) But I was just fascinated - do you see it? Aren't they amazing? It's like looking at an intricately composed quilt... the panels, borders and stitching, it's all there :)

I just loved it. 
I see a new photo collection fetish starting here :)

Do you have a 'strange' thing you love collecting photos of?


  1. These are great! it reminds me of how i like to take pictures of trees looking up from the trunk.

  2. I like the shadows that are made under there - beautiful!

  3. They look fab... such great shapes! I love taking photos of weird things... just about anything with a pattern but I always seem to end up taking photos of public toilet cubical walls and floors.. there are some really interesting patterns out there :)

  4. i have never thought of bridges like quilts before - will now though! And I like taking photos of the red and yellow flags on the beach. Blue sky behind, bright colours flapping. Love it. Every time we go.

  5. Not bored yet AT ALL! Those photos are amazing. When we went on the cruise last year I gave Matthew the task of photographing doors and windows wherever we went. It was incredible how the architecture changed so much. And isn't it wonderful to have time out of our normal crazy lives to notice these things?

  6. I love photos of the underbelly of the city. Always feel it kind of sums up how I fell about that place better than any traditional landscapes can.

  7. i feel impressed too by this architecture, it reminds me a bit of Pina Bausch, I mean, in my imagination I can see someone dancing under these bridges; have you already seen the Wim Wenders movie about PB?

  8. Love those lines.

    ♥ sécia

  9. So may great lines and shapes there!

  10. I went on that river tour last summer and also took photos of all the bridges...

  11. These bridge photographs are great. You remind me of my sister! When we go out she is the one who will notice the pressed metal ceiling outside of what is now a 7/11, or point out an original chandelier that you haven't noticed in a what is now cheap dress store. She has an eye of these things and always reminds me to look up.

  12. PS. I forgot that you are a Brisbane girl! Next time you are in the city check out "Paper Scissors" at the top of the mall on the left. It has a range of cheap good and horrid clothes and the amazing painted ceiling and chandelier I wrote about. And along Roma Street the old buildings have the most amazing pressed metal ceilings/ awnings.

  13. WOW, the texture of those pics look amazing! We look up too little when I see these pics, Kylie! Smashing!!
