Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Postmodern Grannies

With all the media about the 'craft boom' of late, I guess it's hardly surprising that craft has been appropriated by manufacturing. 

I saw this rug yesterday in a mag... yes, it's a rug, made of wool and linen but printed to look like a granny square blanket.

The rugs are by Kasthall designer, Gunilla Lagerhem Ullberg, who crocheted the design from leftover bits of yarn. The pattern was then transferred onto the rugs. She called the design Karin after her grandmother.

It is great that they love granny square blankets enough to use the design, but I'd prefer a hand crocheted granny blanket any day ;)

What do you think? Is this *wow* for you? Am I being too old-school?

You can find the rugs here.


  1. Are you kidding me.... it's AwEsoMe!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I agree with you entirely with the Old School reaction. However I would like to have Post-modern Granny on my CV one day...

  3. I can appreciate it, but ... yes, this sort of thing bothers me. I am constantly seeing mass-produced items that are made to look DIY, and I don't like it. It belittles all the hard work that goes into the original crafts. And can't they come up with their own ideas?

  4. If its a floor rug, I think i'd like it.
    But if its a lap rug, made to look like a granny square lap rug, then no!!x

  5. mmm, i think it's for people who don't/can't crochet!!?
    love the work in the last post too ~ speaking of post modern: i tried to open the last post, then this one and ended up with sunscreen in rounds!!

  6. I think it is a cute idea, I love this fabric too and have been trying to figure out what to make with it http://www.spoonflower.com/fabric/218268

  7. Do not like this at all very fake looking -

  8. Hmmmm, would like to have a closer look. Not saying I don't like it, just not loving it. I guess the idea of walking on a granny doesn't do it for me either. Having said all that though, I'd like to see it in-situ!

  9. I think it's an incredibly clever idea and love the fact that it originally came from a crocheted version. However, like you, i think I'd prefer the real thing. Goodness me - was that me sitting on the fence, or what??!

  10. I LOVE granny blankets but I also would love to have one of those on my floor too!!!!

  11. I saw that rug in a glossy interiors mag, I was quite puzzled especially after I saw the price of it! I mean, why spend all that money on a pretend grannies rug? mmmhhhh not convinced at all!
    oh dear...

  12. like! like actual granny squares too but this is a great idea. sweet sweet rug. x

  13. What a good post Kylie! Like the other ladies I also love granny blankets. I prefer hand made ones of course, but this seems nice as well in my opinion (disregarding the price).

  14. that is SO wow! i've scoured vintage stores for anything slightly as amazing as that to no avail but here's hoping one day i can get granny chic'ed, either by rug or blanky! ♥

  15. I prefer the real thing better and better and better! :)

  16. I'm voting for the wow! As an owner of a non-finished (and probably never to be) granny square blankie, I think this is fab, and you don't have to crochet all those squares!
