Sunday, June 19, 2011


Winter in Brisbane is so beautiful - the harsh sunlight of summer is replaced with a softer haze that has me daydreaming and noticing everyday beauty.

I think this was an orchid. I rescued it from the garden where it had been broken off from it's roots. It lived happily in the vase for ages and then the flowers died. It took me ages to notice though because a spider had so beautifully spun its web around each blossom...

... even when they fell from the stem, they couldn't go far. I watched Spiderwick with my Little One yesterday and now I'm thinking the hanging blooms are like the petal fairies :)

Hope you had a lovely weekend too :)


  1. It's a true dinks spider GIFT!

    (There's no autumn around here any more. Only potential for spider gifts made out of ice crystals if today’s freeze is anything to go by)...

  2. Those spiders are trying to hold onto what they can of the warmer times! Love these photos Kylie - wonder how long the webs will last?!

  3. That is so cool! What a nice spider, decorating for you.

  4. That is amazing! Don't let any one breath too hard near it!
    Ps as an aside my friend Dom made the fairies in Spiderwick.

  5. Utterly gorgeous Kylie.
    Good old spider, they are amazing the way the make these beautiful things that will only get destroyed , unless someone like you celebrates them xo

  6. I love spider webs. I tried making some with silver thread and it is painstaking work!!
    It is funny to think that you are embracing the winter light when in Toronto we are welcoming in summer. It was a long winter and I'm looking forward to long, warm days!

  7. Beautiful, Kylie! And the spider web-
    We are having a sort-of-wintery-summer here- so I can relate to your mood!
