Sunday, May 15, 2011

What's Going On...?

This is what I've been doing lately...
mostly because I'm so frustrated with what's been happening on my computer.

Firstly, Blogger wouldn't let me follow any more blogs. It said I'd reached my limit of 300 and that was it. I either had to go through and un-follow some blogs or find another way to keep up with new finds. Okay, I thought, maybe I can set up my own bookmarking system... not happy though.

Then, all of a sudden, I couldn't leave comments on blogs that I love 
and have commented on for ages. No explanation, no apparent reason why... It just won't let me anymore. Not happy.

Finally, after a day of blogger being 'down' I notice that half of the comments on my blog have just disappeared... I still can't leave comments on a host of blogs and even comments of mine I've left previously have disappeared on other people's sites...

What's going on?

Are any of these things happening to anyone else?
I'd love some feedback or advice, if you have any :)

Lovely Mady has given me a link that pretty much covers all of the Blogger chaos of late. Find it here for a read (also good to know this site for any future probs!) Thanks Mady! :)


  1. yes i have had some trouble too kylie. one of my post completely disappeared. i haven't looked into it yet as my computer is getting repaired, using my partners computer when i can for now, very frustrating and annoying it is! so... i to give you an answer no i can't help you, but i saw somewhere that blogger was down, where: ?. x

  2. It was huge. I lost my last post- that i just ut back on and lost all the comments from it too. Blogger was down. It was a quiet day in blog land.
    I read blogs for inspiration and books for escapism. x

  3. mmmm, there was a major stuff up from blogger. all my comments from a few posts disappeared and the posts in google reader from blogger blogs were in a strange jumbled order!! really weird!! not good for the brain at all!!
    hoping they fixed it all up + imagine they're getting lots of nasty emails.
    happy book reading xx

  4. Hi Kylie
    Yes, it was a serious blogger break down. I lost a post and all related comments, plus comments from previous posts. So know you are not alone. I am hoping all is resolves now and it will be business as usual.
    Go well.

  5. I saw a retweet on Twitter that Blogger is working to restore all the lost comments but that sites with larger amounts of data will take more time. I believe Google has a Blogger website where they're regularly updating the status. Sorry to hear about it, what a pain!

  6. It was frustrating and oddly liberating at the same time. I just had to walk away from the computer. Made me realise just how much time I spend on it of an evening. Thankfully my last post was from before the "outrage" so I didn't loose anything, that I can imaging is really annoying.

  7. I haven't been able to follow any new blogs in the blog reader function in blogger for ages. And I only follow about 40. Can't work out why. Blogger says it's one of their "known issues" and they're working on it. But this has been going on for a very long time now.

    I'm with you - read more books.

  8. It happened to everyone who has a blog with
    New posts disappeared from all the bb and comments too, my list of blogs I follow vanished too that lasted a bit more than 24 hours. It was annoying but I don't forget that is a "free" service so I don't feel like complaining. Apparently there where major problems with their system and they had to switch off all the posts and inteventions from the costumers while the engineers worked to fix the problems. Rumours were that they've been hacked! Obviously we will never know...hope you don't get dismayed and keep blogging. have a nice Sunday x

  9. Major problems with blogger for everyone but seems back to normal - or almost - now.
    So nice to hear you again!

  10. Looking on the up side, at least you can 'smell' a book! (I'll never be able to do the ibook thing). Hope your planetary bloggy alignment is back on track soon Mrs...

  11. stupid blogger. :(

    ♥ sécia

  12. It was a right royal bummer, wasn't it? I frustratingly kept trying to get back on every few minutes for quite a few days and then all of a sudden it was back! Not quite in it's original form (I appear to have picked up a few spam blogs in my feed on the way) but my favourites are all still here. Hope everything is back to normal for you lovely Kylie ;-)

  13. Thanks for this Kylie. I couldn't figure out why I "lost" all the comments on my last post. They were emailed to me but did not show up on the blog. It was weird!

  14. Hi Kylie,
    In terms of keeping up with all of the different blogs you read, you might like google reader. It's clean, clear and simple and there's also a 'gadget' that you can set up if you have a personalised google homepage. This allows you to see a snapshot of your favourite blogs.

    I have tried to find out whether it has a maximum blog limit, but unfortunately can't find that information...however, I haven't hit a maximum yet!
    Hope this helps.
