Monday, May 2, 2011

New Squares

Very excited about this new crochet square (so excited obviously that I couldn't wait to finish it!). Such a simple design but so effective I think. It's just a row of triple trebles then three rows of double over and over.

They didn't have instructions for the triple treble in the 101 Crochet Stitches box so I improvised on the Double Treble instructions. Every time it said 'twice' I made it a 'thrice'... and it seemed to work :)

It's actually called a Track Stitch. Here's the pattern if you'd like to have a go...

I've also completed some more of the Diagonal Shell patterned squares.
It'll be time to get some more wool soon!

Do you have a public holiday today too? What are you up to this fine sunny day? :)


  1. I really need to learn the names of the crochet stitches I can do so i can then follow a pattern.

  2. The triple treble looks brilliant! Imagine it in a cream or white cotton as a 'net' curtain for a window - mmm, dreamy!

  3. Lookin' good Kylie!
    I love the treble business!

  4. I have no idea of this crochet speak, but I know it looks jolly good though!;D It's a Bank holiday here too, I've been indoors all weekend so I need to get out somewhere...anywhere!
    Have a great day hun xx

  5. loving the Track Stitch, Kylie. Looks beautiful x

  6. It looks great, I like both of them.
    What are you going to make it?
    I have a pile of stuff to do today, although it's holiday I don't really feel it!
    Enjoy your holiday day Kylie (ps I always love to read your comments at mine, thank s a lot : ))

  7. Kylie, you are prolific and fearless. Bravo!
