Monday, March 21, 2011


I've been taking a bit of a break from complex patterning (for me anyway!) to print up some basic fabric designs in various colours. I've been enjoying the slow rhythm of block printing and fantasizing about creating an Atomic wallpaper. Wouldn't that be fun? There's a course here I'd love to do some day.

Isn't it weird how Atomic is suddenly looking quite tropical when placed all together like this? Happy Monday! Wishing you a creative week ahead :)


  1. Gorgeous. Actually, I can see the Atomic design in one of your collars. OR as I look at it again, what a great scarf it would make! Love it, Kylie.

  2. absolutely love that white on the linen, Kylie, and you know how I feel about the yellow/lime ...better be careful what I wish for, huh? ;-)
    Your designs would be incredible on wallpaper and I would definitely have to contemplate moving my Orla in place of some...

  3. Don't you DARE do that course without me. That's all I'm sayin'.

  4. I LOVE this print. Looks awesome. Have you considered getting your design exposed onto a silk screen?

  5. Those courses look really great, I had never even considered that you could take courses on how to print your own wall paper. The world constantly surprises and amazes me. How cool.

  6. oh that patterned "atomic" wallpaper reminds me of the wall murals my sister had in her room back in the 70's. i used to climb up on her bed when she wasn't looking and try to keep in the lines to color some spaces in. fun stuff!

    i like seeing your fabric next to it too, nice juxtaposition. ♥

  7. Just adore that design of yours in white! I'd love it if you could join us on the wallpaper course at Harvest :)

  8. it's a great design, can see it on many things!
    what a cool course~ could be fun to all go to that one {just around the corner from me!}.
