Thursday, February 24, 2011

My Creative Space - Texture

It's Creative Space Day again - pop over to Kirsty's to see more spaces or to join in yourself.

An update on my silversmithing classes... I've been experimenting with texture. Working silver through two huge rollers with fine layers of muslim, I've been trying to make silver look like fabric... an irregular surface of delicious texture.

I had grand plans of folding the piece like a kind of origami...

... but my kind teacher suggested I start with something simple (he seems to be aware of my tendency to try and run before I can walk!) 

I was thinking of attaching a crochet square with rivets, but now that I look at it maybe some drill holes and thread-stitching would look best. I do like its simplicity and graphic lines. 

This is my brooch with a pin if you're wondering about size.

Hope it's a wonderfully creative day for everyone :)


  1. It's fantastic Kylie! I love it! The texture has worked so well and you have mastered something that I have been wanting to try for ages, combining crochet and silver. The origami piece looks fascinating as well. Can't wait to see that one too. :)

  2. WOW Kylie it's just stunning.
    Love that you always aim big! xo

  3. The texture on the metal looks fantastic Kylie -
    I can't wait to see how this turns out.

  4. I do love the crochet with the silver, I am also really partial to that colour green. The texture looks great. Sounds like you are really enjoying this jewellery course. Keep us updated!

  5. I really like the texture, the way you're playing with medium there.

  6. Love this, looking forward to seeing more!

  7. Exquisite Kylie! Go with the holes and thread idea. It will work perfectly with this textured piece.

  8. i love seeing your silver smithing work ~ so cool!
    beautiful texture and mixed media idea. had to laugh at your big ideals {of course you want to fold silver fist up}.

  9. Kylie! That is really fantastical!!! I love it!!

  10. oh yes, running before walking always causes me some trip-ups too. good advice! great finished result kylie, i love it. ♥

  11. I am loving but not surprised with your jewellery making skills. I love your inclusion of texture and your crochet piece looks stunning on your brooch. I'm watching out eagerly at your progress xx

  12. Very cool, Kylie!!You are a sylversmithing explorer...can't wait to see how it will all develop! Love the doodling on yellow too-have a lovely weekend!XX

  13. Love the stitching idea, Kylie!
    It's great to see some more of your silversmithing work. Don't feel bad about wanting to run before you can walk. You may fall a few time but those are valuable lessons too! :)
