Thursday, February 17, 2011

My Creative Space - Plan B

It's Creative Space Day again. Visit Kirsty's at Kootoyoo to see more.

I've been a bit down in the chops lately. My lovely friends here do this wonderful thing where they ask me to make something for them... We've never actually discussed it - I'm not sure if they know that I know they're just trying to help me... but that's the point I guess... they are good eggs and it helps me get back on the sunny side up ;) 

It does usually work. 

It worked when I was block printing upside down bunny ears onto linen... It worked when I cut out and sewed row upon row of bias frills... 

... it even worked when I came to piece all the bits together, sewing in a side zip as I went...

But then I realised I'd cut the bodice too narrowly... there would be side-spillage factor 1000... my friend would never wear it.

I was going to call it Failure Dress, but after a quick discussion with this good egg I realised that there really is no such thing as Success Dress. 

I've shaken off the blues again. I'm going to re-do the bodice. 
AND, thanks to my silversmithing course last night where we did a detailed study of how to properly plan out jewellery pieces... It was fabulous and I really should, and am going to, use it with all my projects. So, here's to PLAN B :)

Sorry for the ramble this week... ON A HAPPIER NOTE: my gorgeous Big Girl is turning 14 tomorrow. I have that strange feeling of having known her forever and of how quickly time has sped by to get us to this point. I've just spent the last hour looking for a birthday coin for her... and finally found this humble 5 cent piece to incorporate into her card.


Hope it's a fabulously creative day for everyone :)


  1. First of all, that dress is just BEAUTIFUL, Kylie. Second of all, I'll lift a glass to Plan B and anything else that helps to pull you back to the Sunny side. And finally, a very Happy Birthday to your Big Girl. My Big Boy turns 14 in a couple of months. Scary how quickly it goes isn't it?! x

  2. Kylie, you made me a bit misty when you talked about your girl like that. I feel the same about my big 13 yr old.
    And I had a much bigger sewing fail recently! I think your plan B is perfect, was meant to be. Hope you're feeling much sunnier really soon. x

  3. Love the dress!!! My first glance at the fabric & I thought moustache!! The dress really does look great!

  4. What a fabulously gorgeous dress, I love it! And happy birthday to your beautiful girl.

  5. Oh Kylie, what are you on about? I LOVE the dress, and I really love the bunny ears print in red, it's gonna to be a stunner. But I know what it feels like not be happy with something you're making, I feel that about a bear i've recently finished.
    And for tomorrow happy birthday to your gorgeous girl xo

  6. Kylie,
    I understand and can relate to your artistic ups and downs. It is so nice that you have some good eggs around to keep you moving forward. I recently wrote myself a funny diary entry on how to define success.....
    Time passes quickly doesn't it. Your 14 year old is on the verge of becoming a woman. Enjoy the birthday celebrations!

  7. I love, love, love that fabric Kylie!
    But I do not love sewing failures. I hope you sort it all out soon and feel on top of the world and inspired and creative.
    Happy birthday to your big girl. I hope its a wonderful one. X

  8. love that dress
    ....and happy happy day to your lovely girl!!!!

  9. the bunny ears fabric is brilliant and i love the dress so far. sorry to hear that you've been feeling flat. nice to learn some techniques to have up your sleeve that you can apply! here's to plan b. + many thanks for your comment.
    wow, your big girl is gorgeous ~ happy celebrating xx

  10. I realise I made a wee mistake. I linked to you because I had happened by and had spotted what I thought was Success Dress! Blimey, I thought. Kylie’s sewing machine must be smoking hot! It looks fabulous, mate. Deep breath, redo the bodice, it'll be amazing. x

  11. Well, mistake or no, it looks great in theory. I love the way the fabric works, and the ruffles.

    I can't even imagine my little girl being almost 14, but I know it will be here in a blink!

  12. A moustache dress!!! ;)

    Happy birthday to your beautiful girl for tomorrow. :)

  13. Happy birthday to your girl, Kylie!
    I don't see any fail in the dress - wasn't it meant to be that way?
    I suppose with fearless sewing, things like these happen but that's why plan B exists! Clever thinking, Kylie! Feel better soon, sweet!

  14. Plan B is so often better than Plan A, isn't it?
    Happy Birthday to your gorgeous girl Kylie.
    I totally agree time flies too quickly and somehow 14 is so very old and grown up. I felt such emotion when Ella celebrated that birthday.

  15. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ISOBEL!!!!! you know Kylie not only do our Bels have the same spelling, but I somehow feel I have known my Bel forever too, she is my soul mate

  16. Great dress! Clever you. Hope it works out in the end, because it looks fab!

  17. Come on Kylie, this is so a success dress! I'd love to wear it!
    I'm curious about the coin thing – do you usually give coins that were minted in the year of birth or was it just for this occasion?

  18. The ruffles are gorgeous and you're making me pull out the machine again. Lovely words about your big girl. We are lucky, us mothers, aren't we?

  19. No worries Kylie- it's gorgeous as it is! What a fabulous print! Love the bunny ears- the whole thing is fun and happy and charming- something to do some dancing in-and anyway, it's all learning steps- and learning is good-
    and Happy Birthday for your beautiful daughter!Hope you all have a lovely celebrating day!XX

  20. Loving all your creativity as always. Gorgeous - the dress will come together in time. So far so good - just fix the bodice and you'll have a winner - no doubt about it :)

  21. Love the dress,print and the orange too.
    Happy Birthday to your lovely daughter!
    You have to tell me more about the coin? is it some sort of tradition?

  22. love your bunny ear dress :^)
    happy birthday to your big girl!

  23. nice print! can't believe how productive you are! always making things!! that's great! hope your daughter had a nice bday!

  24. This is so original & wonderful ! Greetings from Paris ! xo, Britta

  25. Everything I sew I seem to cut something wrong, however I don't think could go wrong with that great block printed fabric!!! How unreal is that! Thanks for sharing!

  26. what's so interesting to me is the sort of symbolism here...."down in the chops" and then the print you worked with also resembles downward facing "chops" too. even red, like lips. (bunny ears, but in this case i see something else)

    say yes to success dress, this was SO not a failure and way too lovely to get binned. you're consistently ace designs blow me away.

    your daughter is so cute, many wishes for a wondrous b-day weekend to her!

    i received the best "thing" in the mail Friday!!!! ridiculously happy and will be sporting it very soon on the bloggy. thank you again, it arrived so quickly.

    pea ess: thank you kylie, your words to me meant so much, giving me hope that maybe one day my sister & i can experience what you & yours did. i'm in complete agreement with your wise advice and appreciate the gift of it. she did call me and we are set to have a real talk. xo ♥
