Sunday, January 16, 2011

We're fine :)

Firstly, big apologies and thank you to everyone who emailed and phoned to see if we were okay during the Brisbane floods! I'm so sorry you worried about us... we were at a lovely cabin in the rainforest without mobile access and not even bothering with TV. We had NO IDEA about what was going on! Thankfully, our home was not affected but this is a photo of another street in our area...

photo credit: Michelle Smith

I feel guilty that we were so high and dry and totally oblivious. I hope all the other bloggers in Australia affected by these floods are okay. Thanks again to everyone who was worried about us... I have a few emails to get through but I will be in touch soon :)



  2. So glad your ok, I have thought about you often x

  3. I was worried by your silence, glad everything's OK!

  4. Thanks so much for letting us know.
    I'm thrilled to hear you were having a lovely tme and your place is fine. XX

  5. Yes, concerned as you hadn't posted in some time but very glad you are ok. What a shock for you. I'm very pleased to hear you're all safe. Cin xx

  6. SO glad you are ok. We have friends in brissy & they are fine too, but they too feel tremendous guilt at ther luck..don't.. just be thankful. It is wonderful to see everyone rallying around & helping out x

  7. Could you life have been more different to what was going on. Wishing you & neighbours well. In the mean time, we've been busy sewing up a storm for auctions & raffles, it's a nice way to have people donate & lucky winners will get a treat for their generocity, love Posie

  8. Phew! Great to hear that all is well with you and your house. Hope you're rested after the holiday - it looks fab.

  9. I am so glad to hear you were all well and there's nothing wrong with being saved from adversity, so you shouldn't feel guilty...just thankful. Looks like you had an awesome time K x

  10. wow. glad to hear you're ok kylie. amazing to see that street so close to you. x

  11. So glad you're all ok, Kylie! And glad you had a nice time away.

  12. It's lucky your house didn't get flooded when you didn't know!! The place you were staying looks amazing!

  13. glad to hear it ~ when i heard parts of your area were under i thought that at least you'd be unplugged. great that you escaped all the drama and the stress! your holiday spot looks lovely . . . wondering if you did lots of bushwalks??!

  14. i was just going to email tonite to see how you were! i am so happy and thrilled that all is well....
    take care

  15. Happy to hear you are unscathed!

  16. YAY!So glad you missed it all! will we be looking at more photos from the vacation?XX

  17. What a relief to know you are fine and managed to stay dry in the rainforest. Not an easy feat!

  18. OMG!!! I am so thankful that you're all okay and dry.

  19. So glad you were ok :) I grew up in New Farm, in Welsby st, did that go under? I'm fairly certain it would have.


  20. It's just unbelievable what's happening down there. So much lovingly built homes that are destroyed now. It's making me sad! :( But I'm really glad you're OK, Kylie! I wish all the people that have to deal with this lots of strength!
