Thursday, January 27, 2011

M.C.S - Blundering Buttonholes (Batman)

I'm playing along with Kirsty's My Creative Space meme today. Visit Kootoyoo to see more spaces or to join in yourself.

Do you remember the collars? I was thinking of ways to attach them and decided on a simple buttonhole. What could be more straight-forward and less worthy of a drama-packed episode of Batman? Alas, it was not to be... I think the word is 'adequate' :(

Can someone tell me or direct me to a site that explains how to use the automatic buttonhole foot on a Janome? I thought it'd be so simple - you attach the foot and place your fabric and off you go.... Nope, it's "Blundering buttonholes, Batman!"

See you next week... same Bat-time, same Bat-place! ;)


  1. Blundering Byttonholes! shall be the catchcry for the remainder of the school holidays (and I predict there will be much use going by today’s happenings)...

  2. Can't help you with any machine talk ( still in the land of the handmade buttonholes over her)
    but the collars loos fab!xo

  3. Of course, a simple solution is the most elegant! I'm always fumbling with buttonholes myself so I cannot offer any useful advice. Good luck!

  4. Ha! I am not a buttonhole expert at all, so I'm not help, but great post anyway! And the collars look great too.

  5. Great collars!! Erm with the buttonhole foot.. I have a Janome - not sure if they're all the same. I studied the instruction book and fumbled about lots till I'd figured it out! Once you've attached the foot, you can put your button in the sliding section at the back, which then means your hole will be the right side. Set your stitch to buttonhole, and the length and zizgag measure to the buttonhole settings. Then drop down the buttonhole arm on the left of your needle! (this is the bit I kept missing! without it, the needle just keeps on sewing in one direction). Once you've got all that, put in your fabric and sew!!
    is that any help?? Tricky to try and explain without the machine to point to at the same time????//
    Good luck anyway!

  6. i have a janome and got stuck with the buttonhole thing too ~ great that you seem to have some answers from clever people here :)
    {will have to remember to pop back and read if i ever get over my fear of buttonholes!!}.

  7. i just got a janome machine the other day and ive only done one button try and get my head around it and it seemed to go ok.
    you do have to remember to put the button hole arm thingy down and if your doing more than one button hole in a row you have to remember to reset the stitch dial.

  8. Holy Presser Foot, Batman! You are so brave to take on the buttonholes, and your collars divine!

  9. what a beautiful blog kylie! i've been paging around and adore all your doodles, textiles and pretty much every design element. but THESE! wowness. i have a collection of "dickies" (that's what i always called them) from my mom. they are collared blouse tops halfs but most are so old now and discolored. the ones you've created are stellar! i'm such a sucker for orla kiely anything and the flower print is a swoon. ♥

  10. Hi Kylie.

    Have just discovered your blog via artmind (love mitsy's work!). Now, I don't suppose you could show us how to make these wonderful collars of yours? I was actually thinking of raiding the op shops and cutting off the collars of perfectly good shirts. Not a good idea?
