Saturday, October 2, 2010

Postcard from Paris

Our four days in Paris were mostly work but it was still so lovely just being there. Note we look really pale and exhausted by this stage ;) Of course, there is the favourite window display photo...

There were a lot of 'work' functions like this cruise on the Seine...

...and mostly, of course, our trip to Paris was the inside of the trade fair buildings choosing frames for our shop with the Australian rep (Hi Patrice!)

Hope this hasn't been too boring. We had a wonderful trip and it's been lovely relaxing at home again and hanging out with our girls. Back to crafting very soon :)


  1. Looks like you had a lovely, if busy trip! Glad you are home safe. ;-D

  2. I am dripping with (a nice sort of) envy! How wonderful to have been there, and how wonderful to be back home.

  3. not at all!
    i love your postacards contraire, I would like to see more!

  4. What?? You were in Paris and I was too far away from blog land to know. Bugger!!
    Pleased you had a great time :-)

  5. Oh wow I did not know you had an optic shop:)) we have one too. We go to Paris and Milano every year for these shows. This year I just gave birth so I stayed at home:)
    We used to have 7 shops here and last year we sold it all because we needed something smaller to keep our sanity hehe. And this year we have opened our new one :)) and we hope that now we will be able to enjoy some free time and vacationing as well!

  6. love the window display ; )
    'work' looks fantastic too!
