Saturday, October 16, 2010

Inspiration: Erin Endicott

I was having a long leisurely look through the beautiful Blue Sky Butterfly Tumblr the other day and came across the breathtaking embroidery of Erin Endicott. These pieces are from her Healing Sutras collection. Erin has applied contemporary embroidery to antique fabrics "as a canvas to explore the common threads that bind countless generations of women". I like this idea... and I especially like that a growing number of people are once again embroidering these days. It makes me want to start a new embroidery project... :)


  1. Wow. This is incredible. It really reminds me of rocks pools and sea urchins - it's different. I like 'different'!

  2. WOW! This is beautiful. I love that she has combined the antique fabric with a contemporary embroidery style. Agree with Cindy too - my immediate thought was sea urchins. Just lovely. thanks for this find :)

  3. Hi Kylie,
    This is beautiful work, so organic and original. It also reminds me of the beautiful underworld in the ocean.

  4. Wow - never seen anything like that!
    They remind me of coral or even some sort of map.

  5. Isn't it amazing? Love the colours and the detail in the top two photos are wonderful. I can see why your are inspired, I wish I could sew! Thanks for the mention xx

  6. Thank you everyone for our lovely comments! xox erin

  7. oops.. that was supposed to say "your lovely comments" :)

  8. I'm a bit smitten with that embroidery bizzo (in my own steep learning curve fashion). Though samples up there are breathtaking.

  9. Very beautiful and inspiring work - thankyou for introducing this artist to us Kylie :)

  10. Exquisite work!!
    I love your coral tees!Colours that make me happy!xx:)

  11. Hi K. You're a love - thank you so very much for your encouragement regarding my work.

    Now, as for Erin Endicott - FABULOUS (I'll explore there in a minute). I didn't think sea urchins (ok, yes in the first image)- I saw anatomy and blood mostly. Capillaries and the like. Wonderful inspiration. How I love contemporary, free hand embroidery.


    PS. Love the pink tee in the previous post too.

  12. Stunning- these are so intricate and uniquely beautiful. I have never heard of her work before, thanks for sharing! So inspiring! And thanks for your kind comments about my stitching...I have suddenly had my eyes opened to the potential of this craft, its kind of exciting to be a beginner, do you agree? Xokate

  13. great work!! thanks for sharing Kylie :)

  14. what an amazing artist, thanks for the link to her work .... love your new bags as well really try so many new things to see them!!

  15. this post has really inspired me...i've been looking through some old national geographics lately and was totally inspired by a story on coral and the underwater world..these pieces take me into the same space

    and thanks for your comments over at our blog :)
