Monday, October 11, 2010

Collections: Queens of France

More photo collections :) This time, the Queen statues of Luxembourg Gardens in Paris. I took these photos a couple of years ago now but I still find myself looking at them frequently. It's the hands that fascinate me - it makes the women come alive for me. I love their strength - inspiring female role models in stature... I really should research their history. My favourite is Valentine de Milan (the first two photos).


  1. How lovely, such detail & skill, what a beautiful trip you had, Love Posie

  2. How do they do that?! Isn't it interesting too how strong they all are!

  3. I'm absolutely with you on the hands and the bringing to life bizzo.

  4. When I look at sculptures like this, I am always in awe of the skill of the maker in making stone look so life-like.
    Your photos are lovely. I especially like how you cropped them.
    Have a great week!

  5. They are beautiful- love their serenity and strength! Thank you for sharing these-XX

  6. Hmmm, I'm not sure I would have looked that closely at their hands if not for this post. They're really beautiful. Thanks for helping me see them in a different way!

  7. Hello Kylie, Thanks for your comments. I will ask my sister where she bought them and get back to you a little later xx

  8. Great photos - you really captured what you were seeing - well done!


    is the answer to your question!
    Also isn't it amazing how sculptors can make fabric fall in such a way? It look real. x
