Thursday, August 19, 2010

Soon to be Creative Space

Things will (hopefully) be looking a lot clearer around here now... I've finally bought a new camera! I love it :) Is it too shallow to love it as much for it's gorgeous blue colour as for what it can do?
You'll find people being actually creative and not at all shallow over at Kirsty's ;)


  1. Oh brilliant! You'll be having lots of fun with that...I love the blue, too.

  2. I know what you mean. I have a slightly earlier model of the cybershot. It's a dream to use.

  3. Watch out, you will be spending alot of time taking photos instead of making things to take photos of! Thats what i found when i got a new one! Love the colour!x

  4. Yeah, well, I'm a shocker. Even if I know a wine is fabulous, if it doesn't have a nice label I ain't buying it. Tragic.

  5. I think you'll share that shallow trait with many a creative spacer. A blue camera is fun! I hope you two have lots of fun and creative times together.

  6. oooh, very exciting! it looks pretty irresistable.
    have fun playing :)

  7. congrats on your new camera!! Make lots of nice and happy photos with it! :)
    hey, yesterday I heard "three is the magic number" song on our local radio and I thought of you! How funny is that? I mean... I don't even know you. hehe.
    Have a nice day*

  8. Liking the new banner. (Has it been there a while and I've just been too distracted to notice?!) Have fun with the new camera!

  9. Yay! Enjoy your happy new camera!

  10. Hi Kylie! :D
    that's great! Good choice.
    Hope you enjoy it!

  11. Congrats with the new,fabulously blue camera!!
    Have fun Kylie...
    Annamaria :)XX
