Thursday, August 26, 2010

My Creative Space - Silversmithing Workbench

Okay, so it's not a 'real' silversmithing workbench, it's an Ikea desk, but I'm so excited to finally have a dedicated space for all my silversmithing bits and pieces :) I've slowly been accumulating tools and have many still on the list but there's enough for now to get working on some pieces. I'm still fascinated by mixed media and have been working on pieces that incorporate crochet with silver. Like this one...

These are the bits from a brooch I'm making. I still have to solder on the pole on the third tree, give them a good polish, then attach all the pieces together and add the pin at the back. When it's finished it'll look something like this... (if all goes well)...

Actually, hopefully they won't look all shabby and dirty like that! My trees do need a clean and a polish ;)

I've also been fascinated with the negative spaces left after sawing out the tree shapes. Still thinking of what I can do with these...

For more creative spaces, visit Kirsty's at Kootoyoo.


  1. Fabulous Kylie!
    That colour with the trees is gorgeous.
    I like the negative space there too...

    now go and clean your trees!!x

  2. How cool to have a dedicated space at last. Loving the trees and I kind of like them 'dirty'.:o)

  3. You are so creative. These are gorgeous and original. Love that green against the silver. Yum.

  4. It's so nice to have a space just for something like that, isn't it? I love what you're doing with the silversmithing, and I'm pretty in love the offcuts too!

  5. I'm with Sarah, I'm loving the "dirty" trees and against the green it looks amazing.

  6. wow, what a great new skill you are garnering there, fantastic to have its own "space" and to be able to use everything, its gorgeous

  7. Oh, how exciting Kylie. It makes the world of difference if you have a nice space to work in. Ikea is good for that. I like the negative spaces too xx

  8. very exciting! i love your trees and the crochet combo. love the negative spaces too.
    ps very flattered to see a print in your gorgeous new space + thanks for your comment :)

  9. Are you sure we weren't separated at birth or somethin'? I'm digging the trees but those negative spaces are something else. A finer (than the tree version) crocheted background maybe?

  10. mhm.... it sure does look promising. everything!

  11. LOVE the trees! They are such simple shape! The negatives are awesome too!
    I'm not sure about the crochet yet - it's kind of chunky and that makes the trees a bit lost I think. I wonder if you would crochet with silk thread and a very fine hook how it would look then. ;) Just my thoughts, Kylie. I hope you don't mind me saying, I think you're OK with feedback, right? I love the mixed media! Can't wait to see when it's compeltely done! Enjoy your new space - it is great not to have to clear away everything when you're working!

  12. What an amazing brooch, you! Absolutely love the contrast on the green chunky wool. x

  13. Hi Kylie,
    Love your space, love your work. What about a big chunky necklace with those negative space pieces? Just a thought.
    Funny, I was out today looking for a soldering iron. Not for jewelery but for wire sculpture....
    Do you have any books/tips for me?

  14. wow kylie, love the negative shapes too!!
    good luck with the brooch, maybe you can do the croching in silverthread!

  15. Silversmithing huh? That is a fantastic direction to be taking with your artwork.
