Thursday, July 8, 2010

My Creative Space - Mod crochet

My Little One indulges in many stylistic fads - one of these is as an avid Mod fan. So, when she asked me to crochet a blanket for her and specified exactly how she wanted it, I was not surprised but also totally excited about her innovative idea... Ever seen a Mod blanket crocheted in the round before? I thought it a pretty funky idea :) I'm too impatient to leave posting about this until I've finished. I'm also so excited about how it's turning out now I've started on the navy so here it is through it's growth stages...

I think the Little One got her idea for a Mod blanket from the lovely Renilde who first crocheted her 'target' flat cushions. Pop over to Kirsty's at Kootoyoo for more creative spaces or to play along yourself.


  1. That is looking sooo amazing already!
    What a brrriliant idea!!xx

  2. That is so cool! She has great taste!

  3. Oh Kylie, it's gorgeous!!! I'm so glad you shared it now.

  4. This is looking amazing! She has such thoughtful style - I love it!

  5. very stylish! very clever idea...

  6. Great idea - I love it
    Can't wait to see the finished product!

  7. I definitely think you've got a designer on your hands. Put that girl to work!

  8. i totally love it.....
    you certainly do have a designer there :)

  9. oh it is fabulous ~ can't wait to see the end result

  10. Very cool Kylie, look forward to seeing it develop!

  11. It's looking good! Can't wait to see the finished product!

  12. It's looking brilliant! I love the round rug, I bet she's impressed so far...

  13. This is super cool already!! Colors are perfect, can't wait to see it all done =)

  14. That looks wonderful. What a great idea. Thanks for popping over to my blog and commenting on my butterflies.

  15. That is so cool and stylish, Kylie! I bet she's beside herself with excitement!

  16. so very YOU ...stylish and special!!

  17. love the circular aspect, and the colours! Wish I knew how to crochet, but I'm not allowed to go anywhere near knitting needles, crochet or wool, cotton, etc. I turn into this mad person who can't do anything else until the project is complete. ie: will sit on couch for a whole day and knit. Madness! Hope you have a great weekend Kylie. xo

  18. great colours together. love it.

  19. And to think K, you once could not crochet!! You clever thing you. XO
