Tuesday, July 27, 2010

More design experiments

I'm still playing with fabric designs here... There's been a particular design in my mind for a while now. It first made it's appearance last year when I struggled with the question of how similar it was to a Lucienne Day piece and whether there is such a thing as unconscious plagiarism. I think I've resolved those difficulties now and feel that this is very much my own (strange) design :)

One of the things I like about it is the way it can be a simple pattern or evolve into a complicated mass. I've taken some 'in progress' shots below which show how I was able to keep building on the design.

1st layer

2nd layer

I've not quite finished playing with it yet but I think it has potential. What do you think? Fun or too messy?

3rd layer


  1. oh wow - i love how it evolves in each picture you've shown here. Like little families growing.
    Looks great Kylie!x

  2. Definitely fun, I think each layer could be a stand alone design. I love layer 1.

  3. I love your designs Kylie. I'm a bit of a party pooper though, I love the first layer the most!

  4. Fun, definitely fun. Brilliant printing. I think the colours are magic and I love the trees down the bottom too.

  5. agree: fun!
    love the first one. and the last one!
    one thought i had which you can take or leave ~ you could make the lines/outlines in the bottom one a soft charcoal grey to keep the busyness and detail without worrying about it being 'messy' {i don't think it's messy btw}. hope u know what i mean + this doesn't sound too bossy!!
    thanks for showing us the progress :)

  6. I like them all...I think I like the first layer by itself the most.

  7. I love seeing the progression of the piece. I don't think it's messy at all, and I like each layer equally. Very nice!

  8. i like it!
    sehr schön!
    beetle and bunting. :)

    gisa from germany

  9. Oh wow, Kylie! I love that little space ship motif (I'm sure it's not meant to be that and I've probably offended you) and I love layer 2. The colours and shapes really do it for me. I've my sketch pad and colours at the ready to take on my hols this week, itching to come back with LOADS of potential designs to try out ;-)

  10. F-UN!...witha capital Fffffffff. And I already told you what I thought about the subconscious plagiarism (er, inspiration) bizzo. I'm actually sounding quite stern typing that last bit (in case you didn't notice). You go girl.

  11. Most definantly fun!!! This is great!

  12. These are beautiful! I love the colors and the pattern design. Have a good day!

  13. it´s very inspiring to see your process here and I like what i see. I love layer 2, has everything. layer 3 is something else, could work on a bigger pice.

  14. hey kylie, thanks for that etsy link! those are lovely, i love how she's photographed them too.
    and i LOVE this design, very atomic. one of my patterns is a bit lucienne day and i swore i hadn't seen it before, the inspiration came from somewhere completely different. but who knows. we are such sponges! x

  15. Dear Kyile, I am amazed and impressed by your design progress. These are so beautiful! Love the shapes and the colors!

    Thank you so much for your sweet comments on my blog always :) E.

  16. Hi Kylie
    I was struck by the 50's colour palette -which I also love and am a great admirer of Lucienne Day.It really seems to resonate with people at present(ie the 1950's design asthetic-it is big at the Canberra School of Art!)
