Thursday, June 3, 2010

My Creative Space - New Projects

I've got the sewing bug again and am determined to work my way through the stash. Playing around with ideas on my dummy and loving this jacquard swiss cotton found buried at the bottom of the 'black' stash :)

I've also been given my briefing from the Little One on exactly precisely and very definitely what she wants for her winter blanket. The red and navy yarn were purchased yesterday and the white yarn is on order. I am totally in love with the individual original amazing funky idea this child has come up with, but I'm going to leaving you hanging... All will be revealed at a later date :)

See more creative spaces at Kirtsy's Kootoyoo.


  1. ooooh - that sounds very interesting!
    Can't wait to see that one! (blanket)

    That fabric is so unusual.
    Having a dummy must be so helpful when making an outfit. IF i sewed clothes, that would make it so much easier to do i think?!

  2. I love the fabric you are using, so pretty and delicate and unusual. Your little sweetie's winter project sounds the colours xo

  3. fun fabric....
    and i can't wait to see the blanket :)

  4. Can't wait to see what the little one has come up with.

  5. Yay, the sewing bug hits at 3Sheets - very fun, because you clearly have quite a talent in the fabric department, as well as with yarn, print, paper and embroidery thread. Quite sickening, really :)

    Glad to hear that creative ideas run in the family, too... I look forward to catching a glimpse.

  6. I have a maternity shirt with fabric that's almost identical to that. Very nice. :)

    Mystery projects--always fun being led by a kiddo, isn't it?

  7. how could not ~ that fabric is gorgeous, and looks great here

  8. Oh...I love the dress and that wool is STUNNING. I can't wait to see the end products!!

  9. I love the fabric you're using and the dress so far is looking amazing.
    Lovely yarn colours too. As usual always a visual feast over here xo

  10. The fabric is superpretty - i love the texture. Can't wait to make my first garment when I see busy bee! :)
    Mystery projects are the best but hurry up please! :)

  11. The dress is gorgeous. I have major dress dummy envy. The blanket will look great. Don't you love it when your kids get so interested in a project that you are making?

  12. This fabric texture is beautiful - I know this one is going to be super gorgeous =)

  13. What a gorgeous fabric! Loving the colours of yarn you have there too..

  14. ooh, you can't leave us hanging, Kylie...looks irresistible! Loving how your shirt/dress is looking too.

    (Been out of blogland for too long, K and missed too many of your posts, so I'm going to sit down with a coffee later and catch up...hope you're well x)

  15. beautiful fabric. i wish i could do what you do with fabric and clothing design.
    so exciting to have little designers to work with. i'm curious :)

  16. Just lovely fabric. The excitement of a new project is a good feeling isn't it! Sounds like you are going to busy.

  17. I am in awe of your sewing skills! nice wool too :)

  18. What pretty fabric. I can't believe it was buried in your stash! Have fun sewing.

  19. That wool looks delicious---love navy and red together!

  20. Oh, phooey, my comment disappeared!
    Love the fabric and intrigued to see the new blanket design!!!
    Have a great weekend :-)

  21. Yummy yummy fabric... and I'll be back to check out how the little one's blanket goes.
