Thursday, June 10, 2010

My Creative Space - Lolly Gobble Bliss Bombs

I'm playing along with Kirsty's My Creative Space meme today. Visit Kootoyoo to see more spaces or to join in yourself. A very different space from me today...

Since I've been working I've felt rather guilty for not being here as much for my girls, so I decided to make them some caramel popcorn as a treat (nothing like a dental bill to ease the pain of guilt!) We've all been loving it but my treat came when the Mr took his first bite and said "Oh wow! Lolly Gobble Bliss Bombs!" Such a fabulous blast from the past for me because I was instantly transported back to childhood memories of this very special treat. Do they still sell them? I have no idea but it was great fun.

For any overseas readers, Lolly Gobble Bliss Bombs were/are an Australian sweet from the 1970s, just caramel popcorn really but a childhood institution for me :) I used this site for the basic recipe (but I didn't put in any nuts). Have a lovely creative space day!


  1. I remember lolly gobble bliss bombs well. My neighbour was addicted to them. I never could get behind the soft popcorn & the hard caramel though. x

  2. Anything that brings you back is always a winner...Those look yummy!

  3. That looks soooo yummy!
    I hadn't heard of that name for them - brilliant!xx

  4. YUM!! I remember those too & I've tried to make them once, but it was just a big sticky mess...your's look delicious.

  5. What an awesome name for caramel popcorn! :)

  6. Oh yumm miam!funny how simple things can take us back way far in memories ;)Enjoy!

  7. yum! I remember them, especially the flouro coloured packs...your version looks wonderful and may be just the treat for this weekend! Thanks for sharing!

  8. Nom nom nom!! They do still sell them in the isle with the chips and snacks at the supermarket.

  9. Oh how lovely for you all. Sweet treats are always wonderful but even more so when there sentimental memories are thrown in too!!!
    You know I've never heard of them... and I am certainly a child of the seventies (shhhhh!!! - don't tell anyone)

  10. i must've been living under a rock as a kid as i've not seen this before!!
    yours is looking pretty yummy.
    mmm, guilt . . .

  11. Yes, I was a big fan of the LGBB! Your version looks delicious.

  12. Yum, that looks delicious! We've still got LGBB in our Woolworths, maybe I'll have to get some for our next movie night.

  13. Yes we can still get them! I have a friend who didn't even know what they were! Poor her!

    Must check out the recipe cos yours look good.

  14. Ahhh, the way to anyones heart I should think! :)

  15. Hmm those looks super yummy =)

  16. I have always loved Lolly Gobble Bliss Bombs - fabulous childhood memories... oh, and teenage memories... and there may be some memories from my twenties there too... oh, and yes, here I am in my late thirties and I totally know where to find them at coles, so yeah, maybe they're actually the crunchy soundtrack to my life...
    Love your homemade version though!

  17. hell yes! My children need a bit of lolly gobble bliss bomb exposure, thanks for the recipe.

  18. They look professionally done - I imagine mine would be all crumbly (though that wouldn't stop any of us from eating them). Excuse me now, I must go in search of some sugar.....

  19. sounds so good .. thanks for the explanation..i was clueless!! elk

  20. Mmmmm, caramel popcorn. My idea of bliss!

  21. i remember LGBB. that looks yummy. there is way too much food on MCS this week. making me hungry

  22. They look so yummy! Have a sweet day!

  23. Oh snap, I have made a few batches of caramel popcorn this week too! using that same recipe. It's awesomely simple and i didn't do nuts either. good stuff x

  24. Mmmm my Mum used to make caramel popcorn as a treat when we were kidlets.

  25. I love LGBB. My Mum used to buy them for us when I was a wee one. So delicious. I'll have to give your recipe a try for sure. It looks great.

  26. Love them too. But what was the song that advertised them on tv. Annoying that I can't remember it.
