Saturday, May 29, 2010

Unexpected gifts :)

I've had some lovely surprises in the post lately. Firstly, a big thank you to Cindy at Kiss the Birdie who made this fabulous cushion for me as part of the 'Pay it Forward' blog-love exercise we participated in a couple of months ago. And look at this gorgeous packaging! Thank you Cindy!

And a big thank you to Rie at Crafty Rie for my unexpected win in her giveaway. I wanted to get a photo of me wearing it but, as always, this fine art seems beyond my abilities ;) I have discovered, though, what I'd look like with two noses...


  1. Ah, well, now you've gotten the answer to a question most of us will never solve: How we look with two noses. :)

    Love the gifts, lucky you!

  2. what great little gifts.... :)
    you always make me the 2 noses....
    i certainly can't seem to take a pic of myself either
    happy weekend to you

  3. both absolutely gorgeous, what a treat. self portraits are not my forte either! x

  4. cute gifts!
    this is a funny picture ~ i like that you posted it anyway :)
    i share your difficulty with this! i need a new photo for something and i've already thought not til i get my hair cut and coloured, then oh god, how self conscious will the whole exercise be!!

  5. great gifts, lucky you, well done. i think your photo has a certain ghost like quality. you should have just posted it unapologetically and i would have been impressed with your artiness

  6. these are lovely gifts, lucky you!
    Nice photo, even if you do have two noses. It's so much nicer when people post pics of themselves.

  7. Your gifts are awesome but your selfportraits are making me chuckle everytime! Good one this one! ;)

  8. Great cushion, but I am in love with the greeting card actually... Lucky you for getting such nice mail this week.

  9. you make me smile make me happy...what a lucky lady from the post these days!!
