Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Tea pots & tea towels :)

I've had a bit of spoiling lately and I'm long overdue in saying my thank-yous. Firstly, to the super lovely Bex over at Stuffed Nonsense who went to her local charity shop to get this 50s tea pot just for me and then posted it all the way from the UK. I'm still totally in awe of someone being that gorgeous and kind - thank you Bex :)

And then there's this wonderful phenomenon which has had much airplay on the crafty blogisphere, the famous tea towel swap. Look at my beautiful collection of tea towels. I hope the photo enlarges when you click on it so you can see them in more detail. The effort that everyone has gone to is just so amazing. So, big thanks as well to Suzie at Soozs, Ellen at Really Turning Japanese, Leah at Puggle Logic, Rachel at Waiting in the Capital, and Tanya at Apple and Tangerine :))


  1. What a great collection of tea towels. Just the right reward for all the effort you put into yours!

  2. Oh wow, what a gorgeous gift and I just adore those tea towels. What does the inscribed one say? Lucky girl! You deserve the spoiling. xo

  3. oh the teapot is soooo gorgeous and I am soooooo jealous, what a lovely friend to do that for you and the tea towels look amazing I have been following all the swapping and it looks like it was wonderful to be a part of

  4. That's such a wonderful thing to do...love the Tea Towels...yes, it enlarges the picture slightlty...very lovely!

  5. Gorgeous tea towels Kylie. Well done to all!

  6. What a stunning collection of tea towels...pure works of art. As for that tea pot...would go so nicely with my new jug ;-)

  7. wow ..I couldnt use them ..such art and function!

  8. Gorgeous collection of tea-towels and such a lovely gift!
    Annamaria xx

  9. Hey you lucky lady love the teapot! What a nice and generous reader you have. The tea towels are quite delicious. It was nice to follow your progress with yours and now to see the rest of them is ace as well.

  10. HI Kylie, I got a lovely pressie in the mail from you this week. I love the tea towel you made me, thanks heaps. I have to take a photo of the lovely ones I recieved- yours look quite nice all hanging on the line together like that!
