Thursday, March 4, 2010

My Creative Space - Teatowels (again)

Still on the tea towels I'm afraid... These are for the tea towel swap and are supposed to be in the post this week. Something about the design is bugging me though, and I think the above photo shows it up... the design is split in the middle. I need to think of something that joins the two halves. Time for some light sewing perhaps. My apologies to my swap partners... it will get to you eventually! And for MCS people, hopefully this will be the last time I bug you with my tea towel malarky... isn't that a most fine Australian word? ;)

Visit Kirsty's over at Kootoyoo for more creative spaces or to join along yourself.


  1. That is too nice to use as a tea towel!!!!

  2. Love it, Love it, Love it.

    Hoping that you've printed extras...???

  3. Slowly but surely, you know, better to be the hare than the rabbit. Nice work.

  4. Gorgeous!! I agree with Kate, it's way too nice to actually use as a teatowel. It would make a lovely bag :-)

  5. oh my god another stunning one Kylie!!! Are you making any more? I would love to get one for a gift for someone, they really are soo beautiful

  6. Can't wait to see what you do next with it! It really is beautiful!

  7. Love the colours. It's definitely way too nice for a tea towel. I think it should be stretched like a canvas & hung.

  8. Wow! Incredibly gorgeous print and I adore the colours! I agree though, it needs something small in the middle to link the two sides. I bet it wont take you long to come up with something great and dont forget it's the problem solving we wish we didn't have to do that gives us our best work. (Ok, ust an idea here...What about using that small group of three trees and print two sets of them vertically, one branches facing right in the top gap, the lower one branches facing left? Just a thought!!!
    X Luna

  9. I think it's coming along well, but I do agree it needs something to solve that space problem. Maybe a little hand embroidery like in the last one?

    We used to call our cat Malarkey (even though that's not her name). Couldn't tell you why. :)

  10. Isn’t it always the way that you need a bit of distance to see where the problem is? I have a mirror in the studio opposite my easel so I can look at the painting in the reflection. So often some flaw will jump out and slap me in the face as soon as I look at the reflection. I could have looked at the painting all day and not seen it!
    I love the colours and all of the elements of this design, I am sure you will come up with a stunning solution to bind it all together.

  11. Well, you've put mine to shame. I feel like a real disappointing tea towel swap partner. Mine will be a little overdue - that comes with creative territory, doesn't it? xo m.

  12. I've seen a few tea towels popping up on people's blogs for the swap and the only thing I fear is that they are all too lovely to be used for their practical intent.
    Great idea to merge the two sides.

  13. Kylie

    I agree, the design does seem a little too open in the middle, hence creating 2 halves. If you want to join the two visually, perhaps adding a wide and haphazard zigzag (not even and not regular) over the top of the whole thing- very fine line- perhaps red stitching like a web, would be enough to join without distracting.... love the elements of the design and colours

  14. One of the things I love the most about blogland is watching people's projects progress and change along the way to where they are going. Feel free to tea towel as much as you like, I'm loving them.

  15. I think it looks just perfect the way it is! and I agree it's waaaay to fab to use as a tea towel!

  16. likewise Ms. 3 sheets- yours will get to you eventually too!!! This is great- love the little trees.

  17. Love the design of your tea towel, I'd love it for a skirt! The little trees are just gorgeous!
    Sophie x

  18. love love love your tea towel, the colours and the design are perfect, are you printing extra's for your shop? love it!!

  19. wow ~ it's beautiful. i didn't see the middle thing til you mentioned it, i was really thinking about how great all the elements and colours are. i like steffen's idea. the design is striking.
    it's tricky don't you think, when you start thinking it through ~ {the more i think the harder it gets}. when things just spontaneously happen it's bliss!
    do you work on placement ideas on the computer first? that might help you decide before you start?? though it might take away that spontaneous fun too . . . rambling now, sorry!

  20. Will never have enough of looking t this beautiful teatowel, Kylie. I love the colours, design, everything! It looks perfect as it is but I understand what you mean about needing something to set it off down the middle...I'm sure you'll make it even more perfect and can't wait to see ;-)

  21. the lime green color & the grey color have always been a very cutting edge colors in my opinion. I hope you come up with some solution on the centre part otherwise it still looks good how it is. :)

    " a magic number.." :)

  22. Looking good to me!!! I'll have to dig around for some other of your tea towell designs. Oh and re: post below you sound like you need to move to Canberra! Winter from April 25 till Sept/Oct :-/ I don't miss the Brisvegas humidity though. I love RED shoes.

  23. Love your tea towel print!! Don't think there's anything wrong with it:)

  24. I agree with Belinda, didn't see anything wrong with it till you mentioned it- I still think your design overall is fabulous, and the individual elements super lovely- This is really coming along very beautifully Kylie- and my sweet,sweet friend thank you so much for your continuous goodness and encouragement- !!!
    Annamaria xxxxx

  25. The t-towels are fab. I love the print and the colours just look great you should be really pleased.

  26. How beautiful! Love your printing work - the colours are so gorgeous :)

  27. This really is beautiful Kylie - I'd frame it, never mind dry dishes with it! The colours are gorgeous, they really work well together. I see what you mean about the middle though. Can't wait to see what you come up with...
    Oh, I love "3 is a magic number"

  28. The thing I love about this meme and all the blogs involved is its investigation into the creative process. Kylie, do you think using the three tree (like at the bottom right) placed at around the thirds divisions would work? Can you mock that up electronically?Your designs should be used as decorative panels. You have intergrated the mid-century design aesthetic with something that speaks to now and I think will be timeless.

  29. Me too, like the design of this towel.

  30. I heart everything about your wonderful t towel!

  31. Oh Kylie, this towel is stunning! I love it - even though I do agree the middle looks somewhat 'empty' It could do with some tiny dots or lines like a river flowing through.
    And please don't stop showing your designs - they are so inspirational - I promise it will never bore me!
    All of a sudden I also realise I never asked you about the number 3 and I always have been wanting to know why it it so intriguing for you... Yeah, I know, I'm curious! Love the song - it makes me happy. Happy weekend! :)

  32. I love it - especially the three little trees - and the text! Awesome. xo have fun, see you in a few weeks. hugssss! K

  33. these are wonderful kylie! love love love the colours. grey and yellow always good.
