Thursday, February 11, 2010

My Creative Space - Hookin'

I've been meaning to post about the crocheting I did on the holidays... it doesn't look like much, but then that's because I'm not showing the ten or so rejects ;) I printed off the hexagon pattern from Lucy's wonderful blog, Attic 24, after getting the heads-up from Christina.

Since we've been back I've been steadily adding to them... including having a go at the fancy-pants* method of joining hexs as-you-go (see detail below).... lots of mistakes, of course, but getting there :)

The other crochet project this week was inspired by a very talented blogger... Renilde creates these fabulous flat cushions and I decided the outdoor chairs here need some of these super groovers... So, I started hooking. I'm using a flat-circle pattern from Attic 24 (I really love Lucy's patterns, obviously!). ANYWAY... work in progress is below.

They're a bit wobbly at the moment because the white yarn is a slightly different thread size... I'm hoping they will press flat or that when I make them into cushions I can stretch them flat... or something ;) I used a Serendipity Tweed from Tangled Yarns and it has a nice fleck to it. They've advised me to soak and tack it.

Sorry... long one from me this week! I promise next week I'll be briefer. There's a lot of other Creative Spaces to check out over at Kirsty's. Visit Kootoyoo to find them.

* fancy-pants: technical crochet term, originating from this lovely source.


  1. Your green hexes are utterly gorgeous.

  2. Oh how gorgeous. I've been getting stuck into the Attic24 patterns too, and my 'flat' circles are all so wobbly! Must be using the wrong yarn thickness or hook size... I must admit I cheat by changing the stitches to suit. Very bad, I know, but it seems to work :)

  3. They are gorgeous. The music on your blog scared the living daylights out of me. Was a nice surprise though.

  4. What a beautiful shade of green. The hexagonal shape is so lovely too. Keep on hookin'! Cathy x

  5. They might be the first single colour hexes I've ever seen and I LOVE them. I love the shade of green you are using. And I love that it is about the shapes the different rows and stitches make rather than dominated by colour. Gorgeous work! X

  6. That is going to be one nice cushion!

  7. your fingers have been nimble . love the shade of green in the first project

  8. Oh how I heart the art of crochet... superb!! And they are GREEN... it's the new black you know!!

    xo Steph

  9. Nup. I'm not looking. You KNOW I can't. It's not like I'm not already afflicted with a serious crafty attention deficit disorder. I can't be doing with more inspiration, you inspirationer, you!

  10. I love the green. So retro. Thanks for the pattern links. I haven't got the hang of hexagons yet...but I'll keep working at it.

  11. Love the green. That is actually my new favorite color!
    Thanks for the comment on my blog too btw. HUGS

  12. Love greens you've combined, which is unusual for me. Just the right amounts, I reckon.

  13. very impressive....i love crochet :) i wish i were better at it

  14. The're gorgeous. I love the colour. It's so modern which is great to have with the traditional pattern. Look forward to seeing it finnished (no pressure!!) :)

  15. I love to see your crochet work! The cushion is coming along fine and you know I'm a fan of Lucy's patterns! :)

  16. the green hexagons are stunning! But I also really like your cushion :)

  17. You know, I don't give green the kind of attention it deserves, most of the time.

    I should though. It's nice & you do it proud...!

  18. I love the gorgeous green colour of your crochet hexagons, it'll be beautiful when it's finished.... and I love the idea of a technique called fancy pants! it would be rude not to use it with a fab name like that!

  19. this is so great Kylie. love the colour and it's looking very neat.
    i've never had any luck making a flat circle!! i don't have the patience {or the time} to figure out the right hook size etc i know with knitting i have to re-write patterns to suit my crazy tension {every time!} . . . i learned a lot that way tho.
    keep us posted :)

  20. LOVE the green hexagons - lovely shape and lovely shade of green!

  21. Kylie, don't make me look...I haven't got time for yet another crafting obsession!! I so need to try both of those (No, walk away, Karen, walk away)

  22. Very impressive work (even if we only get to see the good ones and not the rejects!)

  23. Oh I'm in awe. the green hexagons are fantastic and I love your circular cushion. You're such a talent.

  24. I wish I could crochet - actually, I wish I had the patience to learn, but I just can't do it. It drives me batty! I looooove it so much - so glad to see you've been getting into it. So many possibilities aren't there?!

  25. greta job. i must have a go at the hexagons. so in love with attic 24. i think your circle looks ace

  26. Nice job with the target cushion. i also liked those when i saw them on at-swim-two-birds—i might try too. i am in a real cushion-making phase!

  27. hello kylie, it's looking good already, if the thickness of the thread differs too much, you can also decrease the stitches, if you don't exaggerate :)thanks for your sweet words!!

  28. Oh Kylie....My 2 Fave things!! Hexes and crochet combined in awesomeness!!! I LOVE it!

  29. LOVING the green and the hexagons. Stunning!!!

  30. I just must know... where did you get that yummy yummy green yarn from???

  31. I'm a little late to say it, but it's all looking great. I especially like the cushion.

  32. Lovely crochet. I really love the green and blue wool. going to go and check out that flat circle pattern. Thanks for visiting me. x
