Monday, February 1, 2010

February is the new January

Have you seen this post yet? I totally agree and am so relieved. Phew! Okay, so I have 27 days to get my act together ;)

There are so many things inspiring me... must focus...

Cushion credit - Lisa Stickley


  1. Travel always motivates me too. And reading that post I was reminded of how great Cambodia was (and still is), especially Angkor Wat. My travel focus for the year is Italy in October. For a month if I get my way :)

  2. Cool finds, bobbing for apples, um, i have champion children at that party trick. Even with front teeth missing my middle girl still wins. Love Posie

  3. That's a great quote and makes me feel much better about January having past me by. But what happens when the same happens to Februray...March...2010??

  4. I feel like I have done nothing this year! do we get half of Feb too?

  5. i am completely on board with this new year philosophy. january was prep time!

  6. As far as Im concerned all the kids were home in January so creative life for me started yesterday, when they all went back to school!

  7. I have the same problem (maybe it's not a problem) as you - so much inspiration. I have my hands in so many creative directions.

  8. ooh lovely lovely inspiration. i'm personally hoping march will be the new feb.
