Sunday, February 28, 2010


Thank you so much for all of your encouraging comments and suggestions about the tea towel. At the moment I'm *quietly* very happy with how this tea towel has turned out... "quietly" because it feels so strange that such a small addition can make me go from 'binner' to 'keeper' ;) My friend Sally came over - she's an amazing artist and her impeccable eye can zero in on the precise problem with any piece like a heat-guided missile! I get ribbed a lot around here for starting sentences with "my friend Sally"... it usually heralds a chorus of parotting voices as if they've heard it a million times... Well, what can I say - she's pretty good :)

Anyway Ms Sal said that the yellow had faded into the background and all it needed was a touch of the darker grey in the centre of the yellow to bring it forward into the piece without being too heavy. I didn't want to take any more chances with screenprinting so I got out some embroidery floss and started stitching. At first, I intended to do a stem stitch circle as seen in Kirsty's tutorial and then I just found myself adding little sticky-outy bits echoing the screenprinted florettes in the design. Funny, isn't it, that such a small thing can make such a difference?

Thanks again for all the help. I think it was The Shopping Sherpa who said something very similar too :)


  1. Don't go doing 'quiet' anything! They were already keepers - THEY WERE. But that tiny bit of zip has just put 'em in a whole 'nother league...

  2. I loved it before, but your friend Sally is right, it is gorgeous now! Wow! I need a friend like Sally too. My family laugh at me when I quote one of my blog friends. They think they are like invisable friends. X

  3. Just right. Sally is a wise lady. (I need to borrow her.) I like the little bit of embroidery.

  4. That really works. I scrolled up and down your blog making a comparison, and am amazed at the difference a little embroidery makes. Well done Kylie!

  5. Absoloutely perfect! Great advice an good for you to follow it to create perfect balance in the design. Will you be making more?

  6. Your friend Sally has a good eye. So glad you could salvage something that was so pretty and feel as though you love it just as much as the rest of us x

  7. Those colours are so great together. I'll get in line to borrow Sally!

  8. love the little touch of stitching.....

  9. What a perfect little edition. I loved it before, but this really does make the whole thing complete and come to life. Hope you are now happy with it and love it as much as I do ;-)

    Your Rocky Road recipe sounds just what the kids would love. And as for eating bits along the way...that's my kids idea of helping at baking time...that and licking the bowl out;-)

  10. Eureka indeed. Always good to have someone else who can look over what you've been staring at for days. So simple, but so effective.

  11. It looked good before... but now it looks SO good!!!

  12. Will Sally be coming to London? She knows a thing or two.
    Thank you for all your lovely comments on my blog. x

  13. Aren't we lucky to be blessed with friends who can give us just that 'extra' Eureka moment. Your t-towel is wonderful! Too good for drying dishes - but then, I'm not big on housework anyway. Would leave it casually draped on the kitchen table so people could admire it when they dropped in for a cuppa!

  14. well done kylie! simple, but pretty!!

  15. such a friend to have ! as i said before the yellow with the cream and gray are so unique

  16. i looks great! i love the stitched detail, it makes it too special for a tea-towel :)
    i'd love to have a friend like that too!

  17. gorgeous! well done for sticking at it and what a special friend : )
