Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Heavenly details

At the Barcelona Port there's a wide expanse of concrete tiling where vibrantly green patches of moss hide in holes and tufts of grass peek out of cracks at irregular intervals... such a simple unplanned detail and so breathtakingly beautiful.


  1. I'm always attracted by moss.
    Thanks for sharing.

  2. It is ... and the letters blue Windsurfing letters peeling off the silver metal walls of the bather's pavillion are beautiful too... Great shots

  3. Lovely post Kylie - so remind sme of your camelias on concrete!

  4. I've always been drawn to ivy between tiles!! reminds me of strength of nature; my nature, every-ones nature... thnks for posting...

  5. each part of these photos...the soft.jagged.smooth.color. make it so unique...the last photo a surprise!

  6. It is the unexpected burst of colour and the contrast of growth and decay that makes it so beautiful! Love it!

    By the way, I wanted to tell you that I found 2 very old books from the 1880s when I was cleaning out my mother's house. I wish I could show them to you because I know how much you like books!

  7. Unplanned beauties...yes-lovely!
    Annamaria xx

  8. That´s so nice that you note those details Kyile :) The BR sign is very beautiful.

  9. Don't you just love digital photography? There was a time I couldn't force myself to take textural photographs for fear of what the processing team at the local developers might think of my mental health!

    Glad to see someone else that loves the little details x

  10. beautiful - I love noticing the little sparks of colour - the first pic acgtgually looks like an emerald or a green stone sparkling out!

  11. Isn't is super to see the green fight the concrete? Love it!
