Saturday, January 30, 2010

Happy Weekend!

Each day I love having time to myself

thinking time.. sitting time

time to look around

or daydream

it's not always a happy time but I treasure this space in my life


  1. A happy weekend to you too. lovely images :)

  2. Lovely. For me i think that time is driving to pick the children up from school, after hours in the studio doing what i love, then it's my tune out as i drive the long country roads back to school. Love Posie

  3. Here's to getting some solitude every day.

  4. Thank you for this good link Kyile. Goes well with your words :)

  5. i love this idea ~ it is like a daydream, one that i visualise as being down a short track!!
    i'd love to be sitting on that rock in the 3rd pic :)
    happy sunday!

  6. you deserve a bit of time to yourself, I think we are better moms that way...i looked at her photo amazing images..18 years old!!

  7. Gorgeous post. I hope it has been a happy weekend for you.

  8. Superpretty post, Kylie! I love the silence that they speak. One can never have enough time to reflect, think and do all the nothing you want.

  9. I agree Kylie. I need the time to myself - even if it's not actually a "happy" but more reflective/regrouping time for 5 minutes. Without it I start going just a little nuts, I'm sure. I love the images too.
