Thursday, December 3, 2009

My Creative Space - Softie for Mirabel

Skidding in at the last minute seems to be my style at the moment, but I'm so relieved to have finished my Softie for Mirabel at all. This is the very first doll or softie I've ever made and I found it a bit more challenging than I would have supposed. Somehow she has evolved into a funny little thing... looking very Holiday in Queensland to me... What do you think?!
I've loved the Mirabel idea ever since I first saw it on Pip's site, but it was the wonderful Leonie who gave me the extra push I needed to fit it in when she so generously offered up some fabric to anyone who wanted to make one. Following Leonie's advice, I purchased the doll pattern from Hop Skip Jump and began pottering away on it. It really was a great pattern but as I do have my (undiagnosed) dyslexia with instructions, I'm not surprised that some things just didn't quite work out. My poor "Qld Holiday" dear does have neck problems (no doubt from a botched facelift attempt on the Gold Coast!) and one arm does hang lower than the other (I'm guessing from kids reluctant to walk up that hill to school!) but she's happy enough and I've loved taking pics of her in the old dolls' house my dad made for my sister and I when we were little. Thanks to Pip and Leonie for inspiring me to learn this new skill!

For more creative spaces, visit the lovely Kirsty over at Kootoyoo.


  1. Kylie, I ABSOLUTELY LOVE HER!!! She has the sweetest face and lovely spirit. She is very lovable, and it's hard for me to believe she is your first softie ever, she is beautifully done too!! x

  2. Wow your first one??? She is marvelous, love the hat too..She off to a carribean vacation or something...

  3. Oh I love her! She is so summery and carefree and happy.

  4. She is gorgeous Kylie, and some little girl is going to absolutely love her to bits!

  5. She is lovely, and a true Qlder at heart. Honestly a trip to Qld is not complete without a visit to the big pineapple.

  6. I think imperfection is what makes her lovable!! And her dress is so cute!

  7. She is amazing! Especially love her polka dot undies :)

  8. she's so unique + cool!
    love her pineapple, hair, and sunnies propped on her hat.
    fantastic effort for your first attempt ~ u are such a talented lady :)

  9. Oh your softie is lovely! They are all amazing really, don't you think?

  10. she is very cool! looks very relaxed and holiday-ish! you've done an amazing job!

  11. Kylie she is fantastic! Love her dress too! Wow, first attempt? You have done so well and I wouldn't have notice head or neck issues unless you pointed them out! :)

  12. I happen to think she's adorable (and certainly wouldn't have known it's your first attempt!). I love the whole look of her, and what a sweet little outfit. She's going to make someone very happy!

  13. hehehe!!! I just finished my poppy doll via leonie too!!!

  14. that softie is so cute and i love the outfits. very nice of you to finish that up at such a busy time! xoxo m.

  15. She's lovely...thumbs up for giving softies ago. Some little person out there will adore her xx

  16. You made me laugh out loud Kylie. First the facelift, then the walking up the hill, then that she is still happy enough! Very funny! Well done on your first softie. Some encouragement goes a long way.... I am sure your little QLD Holider will be very loved.

  17. She is absolutely gorgeous Kylie!!! Can't believe it was your first attempt. I'm sure she will be very cherished! x

  18. i have to agree - she is such a cutie! well done. i am really getting the guilts about my lack of making of a softie. i had such a plan - but life has really gotten in the way. this weekend it is (hopefully)...

    and you will have to give her a name - something to reflect her holiday nature. Summer or well, that's all i can come up with for now...

  19. She's absolutely lovely Kylie- the very picture of contentment!- it must be her very stylish outfits and hat!
    Annamaria :)

  20. She's absolutely gorgeous. I love her hat.

  21. She is so lovely I can't beleive she is your first, she is super cute!!! I love the outfits =D

  22. I think she is MAGIC!!! Just Brilliant...Congratulations on your first doll!! She is Super Duper!!

  23. Um, no. Skidding in at the last minute is all about screeching to an abrupt halt outside Pip's place just as she locks the doors on deadline day. And that, my friend, is what I will be doing. Hopefully with a sunny lovely number like yours.

  24. she is tres gorgeous. love her sense of style in the couture department

  25. Congrats on such an adorable doll! She has the sweetest and most innocent smile!

  26. I just adore that pineapple frock! Tres QLD indeed.

  27. she's lovely Kylie! well done for your new found skill.
    I'm a bit dyslexic with anything attached to a needle :)
