Sunday, December 6, 2009

Inspiration: Paul Burgess

I'm feeling decidedly in need of a bit of inspiration at the moment and have been trawling through my bookmarks looking for that special thing that will lift me out of myself and put a bit of zing into my brainwaves... These works by Brighton-based artist Paul Burgess have fascinated me for a while now and I think they fit the bill. There's something of an edge to them that rips away from what I think of as traditional collage. They make me want to take a paint brush to things I've done... focus on the space between things and blur them, obscure them, in order to heighten new tensions or change the way the images are read.

Thanks to everyone who left a comment on my plagiarism post. I've loved reading them all and many times have wished we were all sharing a coffee and able to have a really good discussion about this face to face. Thanks also for your encouragement about my design. I'm still undecided about whether I'll bother printing it or not... maybe I'll play with it a bit more. I know I take myself too seriously but I just couldn't be happy with it in it's current state. I really want to create something that's mine... something that makes the brain zing. Sunday dreaming... reaching for the sky ;)


  1. great work! love his photography too, didnt know him, so thanks a lot kylie!

  2. great inspiration kylie. i have lots of reading to catch up on over here - so i'll be back : )
    always great stopping by x

  3. Love this artist, and I thank you for the introduction! Hang in there with your art--it is truly wonderful, and you will find your groove. I just know it.

  4. bold work!
    it's important to take yourself seriously, am sure you will come up with something excellent too ;)

  5. Great post. :) I totally get the 'brain zing' feeling.... it's better to have that need than not (I believe). Otherwise it's kind of hmmmm (the creative process I mean). Off to bed for me... have fun! K

  6. Very interesting work, in several ways. Thanks Kyile!
