Thursday, November 26, 2009

My Creative Space - Completing PiFs

I'm playing along with Kirsty's My Creative Space today. To join in or to have a peek at other creative spaces pop over to Kootoyoo.

Earlier in the year I signed up for a Pay It Forward (PiF) and received some gorgeous crochet goodies from Crafty Rie. The deal was that I had to then Pay it Forward to others and some brave souls signed up, not realising that it would be nearly xmas before they received their goodies... sorry guys. But I can tell you now that 5 out of my 7 PiF* goodies are in the post! Hand-printed and hand-stitched felt brooches.... PiF completed :)

*Two of my PiF people have not responded to emails or messages left on their blogs.


  1. Oh you're a clever one - these are just lovely! Well done you.

  2. They look wonderful Kylie. Lucky folk indeed.

  3. Great PIF gifts. They are beautiful :)

  4. They are perfect Kylie! I WILL get yours to you before Christmas xx

  5. Lucky them, they are gorgeous brooches.

  6. They are absolutely beautiful Kylie. Just gorgeous. And what a lovely thing to receive just because. Your PIFs are lucky duckys!

  7. Wow they're beautiful! Lucky things.

  8. The brooches are beautiful, really lovely.

  9. I just got mine in the post - thanks so much Kylie..... I love it!

  10. They are lovely, I especially like the silver and black combination. Lucky PIFs.

  11. Simply beautiful.
    You're one very talented lady.

  12. gorgeous! love the orange detail. have been getting lots of compliments on my brooch :)
    a japanese friend says it looks like a blossom/japanese emblem.

  13. I agree they are gorgeous Kylie!Very lucky PIFs:)

  14. Cute brooches! I tried my hands at crochet when I was much younger but figured I'm not that great at it, haha! I should participate in one of these exchanges soon. It sounds so fun :)

  15. Gahh just lost my comment!
    But I was saying that I remember these from when you were stamping and embroidering way back in, um, May or some time. I still love them. They are truly fabulous. I love the way that you combine stitch and print.

  16. Super sweet brooches as always!

    Yes, two of mine didn't get back to me either and I don't even know if they are still blogging. I have my one nearly ready to go! :)

  17. So beautiful, so worth the wait I think!! xx

  18. ooh, these look pretty!
    can't wait :)

  19. These are just beautiful. Lucky lucky ladies ;-)

  20. they are great Kylie! lucky PIF's.

  21. Hi Kylie - thanks for visiting me, and nice to meet you too! I have seen you around the ether, sometimes we comment in the same places, and now I know who you are. You have some beautiful broaches there.

  22. OMG, they are stunning. Such lovely minute detail.
    Lucky lucky PiFs :)

  23. Lucky ones who will receive your brooches Kylie!They are lovely!
    I totally forgot about creative space this week- its been such a crazy week because everything fell behind for the preparations for the show-oh boy...I wonder when ,if ever, life will have a manageable rythm...
    Have a lovely day,
    Annamaria xx

  24. they are sooo lovely! these motifs look a lot like Chikan work which I love.

  25. Isn't it satisfying to get something on the to do list done and dusted. They're gorgeous Kylie! What lucky PIF-fers.

  26. Oh my! These are very, very lovely and when I saw that they were the brooches destined for your PIF partners, well...I squealed x

  27. Surely you know which of those lovelys are my favourite & my best....?! The red one of course!

    Lucky PIF people indeed!

  28. great gifts Kylie, your PIFs will be pleased!!

  29. Wow - they're amazing. There will be some very happy people to get those!

  30. Lucky recipients, they're beautiful!

  31. Oooh I'm so excited!!!! (aka little grubs!) xx

  32. these are simply exquisite Kylie.!

    I have been away and your special comments upon my return make me so happy!
