Thursday, October 29, 2009

My Creative Space - Doily stitching

I'm playing along with Kirsty's Creative Space meme this week. You can see some more spaces or join in yourself over at Kootoyoo.

A lovely little parcel arrived from Korea at the beginning of the week... a fabulous doily stamp from the Etsy Store, Lemontree 77. So, I was playing around stamping this and stamping that... and then, I started stamping fabric to see how it would imprint on that. It was rather yummy, but realising the ink pad ink would not stay there, I decided to embroider over the pattern. There are lots of mistakes where the ink was blurred and I had no idea what I was doing, but I think overall it's turned out okay. Of course, being one of those folk who don't know when to stop and leave well alone, I then proceeded to fill in some of the spaces with metallic thread. Sensing the imminent threat of total overkill, though, I stopped so it was just a little distraction on the whole effect. I soaked the fabric in wool wash to ease out the ink and (hopefully) not drain the colour from the thread... and this is the result. Happy Creative Space day everyone!


  1. I think it's absolutely beautiful ! You've totally got the right amount of metallic going on there.

  2. so beautiful Kylie! I just love your work.

  3. That's so pretty, like a little snow flake or ice crystal adorned spider web.

  4. Those two colors together are so special...and the beauty of the shape is so well captured in the photos ...

  5. what a great stamp! and as usual, fabulous idea by you. i think it looks lovely.

  6. Love that stamp! Thanks for the link - am going straight to the shop now x

  7. I love the concept of a doily stamp. Your embroidery over it is divine. Actually it looks very similar to a jug cover pattern I've been contemplating this morning.

  8. Love the metallic touch and see why you had the urge to use it. Can't wait to have a go at embroidery- one thing at a time.

  9. It's beautiful Kylie.

    3 sheets is just a really lovely place.

  10. oh so loving the embroidery right now. I love looking at your work, so beautiful, it is always nice to stop by xx

  11. awesome! that looks so cool. ah the things i'd do for skills like yours. might see you at finders keepers, you'll know it's me when a crazy lady runs past you with 50 bags of shopping and a big smile on her face :)

  12. I suffer from the overdoing it syndrome as well but this is totally effective.

  13. What absolute fun- you are always trying out this and that!- I love it-it doesn't matter with the overdoing it- its just how art works- why do we ever try to control that? I think the remedy is to turn our mistakes into 'creative opportunities...'(sounds good ,NO?) well, I tell myself-hehe- but you have to show me your paper castle-what an interesting parallel-
    have a lovely day Kylie,
    Annamaria xxx

  14. it looks stunning! your stitching is so neat and this is a great idea. you always make me wish i had time to be full-time making!

  15. Oh how lovely! Kylie you are the queen of spontaneous experimentation. It looks fantastic. The the bit of glitter!

  16. Lovely Kylie, like a snowflake. The doily stamp is a great idea, thanks for the link they have some lovely things.

  17. That's such lovely work, Kylie :)

  18. Ah! Some razzle dazzle! Looking very nice indeed.

  19. Kylie, love seeing the detail and such a beautiful colour

  20. Hi Kylie--
    Wow, I love the embroidery you are doing! Lovely :) And thank you so much for your sweet comments about my work on my blog and flickr (I've just added you as a contact on there)


  21. Kylie, it's beautiful - and you would never be able to tell that there were once mistakes if you hadn't told us!

  22. i can't wait to see more of it, or see it when it's done.

  23. this looks like such hard work - but totally worth it - lovely

  24. Ah I'm a sucker for doilies. Very beautiful indeed.

  25. oh i'm loving the look of that lacy stamp...and your work to it is fab..:) i like the silver...this time overkill works

  26. Looks absolutely gorgeous Kylie! What mistakes??

  27. I envy your patience Kyile. Looks good!

  28. gorgeous! as usual. you are too clever! x

  29. It's so tiny and perfect Kylie. I did notice those fancy specs in that top picture!

  30. I have to check out that shop! Great stamp & great idea to use it as a pattern for embroidery!
