Wednesday, October 14, 2009


The lovely Rebecca has posted an interview with me today.
You can find her beautiful blog at


  1. Love the photo Kylie! Great interview, pleased your gaining confidence... your brooches and prints are beautiful and are on my christmas list already.

  2. I just checked out the interview - you can view my comment there too...

    I loved learning about you! I realise we have quite a lot in common in the way we approach things - non patterning etc... it was such a great interview.

  3. yeah - i don't care for patterns too much either!

    really lovely reading, Kylie. I so enjoy finding these little things about people. I love the way we all (mostly) come back to our passion of creating and crafting, from our childhood.
    Beautiful work.

  4. i wish they were my photos, the guy linked underneath them took the pics... thanks anyway? :)

  5. Kylie, great interview! Its wonderful to read about your thought/creative processes- I visited your store the other day and I saw how your brooches are loved and adored by the world! well deserved!
    Congratulations...dear friend!
    Annamaria xx

  6. so very wonderful wishes to you as you soar!

  7. Thanks everyone for your lovely comments! Kylie x

  8. Very nice interview, Kylie! I wish I had more of my creative projects from my childhood. I should call my mom and see if she saved them.

  9. nice to read this interview!! and hey, congrats with your shop! good luck!! (sorry for being so late though...)

  10. Congratulations!!

    That was a great read - and I love the pic you've used here. It's fascinating reading about other's creative processes so thanks for sharing, and we all love to see people's creativity evolve into huge things like opening a SHOP!!! This is my first ever visit to Zibbet (I hadn't heard of it).

    Well I imagine that you are on a bit of a buzz right now, and so you should be. There's nothing quite like making your inner dreams a reality. Noice work! :)

  11. It was great to read your interview and to see you have started selling your wares on line.

    P.S. all is well in my house, despite the rather confusing is only my little ones who insist on me being sick so they can have a patient!

  12. OK, I start catching up from here and hey I already know more about you after reading theinterview! Super!
    You certainly give me the confidence to learn myself how to sew - I SO bad want a sewing machine & play with it. I suppose I need a big pack of time that comes with the machine though!
    I'd probably want to use it more for paper then for fabric at the moment! :)
