Tuesday, September 8, 2009


At the risk of sounding maudlin here (don't you just love that word?!)... I need to say something about blogging and how very blessed I feel to have this blogging community. There are a handful of you out there, and you know who you are, who have just made this the loveliest year for me. I love visiting your sites, seeing what you've made and what you have to say, and I'm constantly delighted and humbled by the beautiful comments you leave here.

I keep hearing from people how narcissistic blogging is... but I don't see it. I see kindness and generosity, enquiry and thoughtfulness, endeavour and achievement. So, what I'd like to say is... thank you :)

I received the loveliest gift today in the mail. Gina from Clutterpunk sent me a hand-stamped and sewn notebook, a gorgeous thrifted brooch and a handmade felted brooch. Aren't they amazing? I love them all, but that felted brooch is just divine. Isn't she a good egg? Thank you Gina!


  1. wow, those are sweeeeet gifts! i especially love the black brooch :)

    that was a lovely post, i'm glad you enjoy blogland so much, so do i! it's fun seeing what cool things people are doing and equally cool being able to share things we love x

  2. beautiful - Gina is very lovely, and so motivating and open.
    blogging is blessed isn't it - to have this connection with women who we would never have met. and to be able to actually "show off" our talents without feeling like we're being narcissistic (for the most part).
    thank you for your beautiful blog - I enjoy visiting here.

  3. Not Maudlin at all! ( I love that word too)

    My Thanks to you Kylie.
    You and a few others have made my Blogging year too and im so grateful for people like you in this wide wide web. Blogging is not narcissistic in my view, its a wonderful way for people to share inspiration and interact with like minded indviduals despite being seperated by state or country.

    I feel blessed roo.

  4. Ooops Too....not roo....: )

    Lucky you getting such beautiful gifts from Gina, Clutterpunk is one of my fave blogs and Gina is such a lovley lady!

  5. yes i could not agree more bloggers are so friendly and generous! Love your gifts ...make the mail a fun place!

  6. You have hit the nail on the head, Kylie. Blogging brings our community together and enables us to meet and make friendships with amazing people that we otherwise would be too distant geographically from. I for one am pleased I found you ;-) Enjoy your gifts - they are stunning. x

  7. I think the creative blogging world is especially inviting and homey. Sometimes I'm a little surprised by it, in a good way.

    What nice gifts you've gotten. Lucky girl!

  8. I have found nothing but good natured bloggers in my web travels, and I whole heartedly agree with your sentiments. cheers!

  9. Blogging has become a real part of my life for all of these reasons. I couldn't imagine all those years working from home without the little blog community I'm a part of :)

  10. hi kylie, blogging is the best!!!
    and that was a nice etsy link you sent us, pity it's so overpriced!

  11. Blogging opens up a whole new world doesn't it. It's great!

  12. hello kylie, i had to look first in my dictionary what that crazy word 'maudlin' was.
    In my case, i have to say, blogging is the perfect medium for me, i never was that creative in my entire life as since i started my blog, even when i was in artschool. I'm every day again very, very thankful, and i love to stay in touch with the blogging world for it is giving me so much feedback :-)
    am i also maudlin now???? haha

  13. I am known to wax lyrical about blogland - I love the sense of community it engenders and the daily reminders of the joy that is in the world ... not sure if that was well put - but I think you'll know what I mean, Gx

  14. That Gina.....she's kinda cool!!! ;)

  15. so sweet ~ i've really enjoyed your blog + i agree with what has been said about the blogging community. it's addictive!

  16. Kylie, I feel like I have to thank you! You are certainly one of the most supportive peeps out there! Always fun to read your comments and you know I love your blog! I don't visit every day but when I do, I read all the posts you've written! :)
    I love blogging too and I agree whith all that has been said here! :)

  17. *blush* - thanks for the kind comments... my gifts came to you because that's exactly how I was feeling, blessed to have connected with you and others who have blown me away with generosity. Not to mention encouragement, inspiring ideas and a good belly-laugh now and then.

  18. those are such lovely gifts....i have gotten so behind in visiting because of just being too busy...but i love visiting here.....
    and i love your comments to me. you are always so encouraging...and i'm happy when i see that you have visited me!
