Thursday, August 20, 2009

My Creative Space - Thinking + Sketching

My Creative Space is mostly internal this week. I've been thinking and planning things in my head. Sketching ideas and playing with shapes and shading.

I've also been finishing off a lot of projects you've seen before. Mostly, I'm on the dreaded production line with my Green Bags. I've decided to take things more slowly now. I want to develop ideas and try not to be so flighty... jumping from one thing to the next. So, you may not see me doing Creative Space every week from now on.

To see more Creative Spaces, visit Kirsty's here.


  1. I'm liking the cloud shapes Kylie - especially the one made with the concentric circles. Good luck with the production line :)

  2. lovely sketches ~ especially the bottom one. I know what you mean about developing things rather than quickly getting ideas out. Can be a slow and steady process.
    Congrats on your win in the earlier post too ~ I can't think of anyone who would make a better winner for that particular giveaway :)

  3. love the sketches, especially the last one. very jealous of anyone who can sketch like that!

  4. I know what you mean...I need to learn how to do one thing properly and be happy with it before moving onto the next. Otherwise, things just don't get finished! Love the sketches x

  5. Beautiful sketches and yep, totally get what you mean about one project at a time...

  6. My Brain never stops! I see yours is never dormant either!!

  7. Gorgeous Kylie! I still love taking a lot into some one else's visual diary even after 3 years of it at uni! Love the clouds.

  8. PS. Will make a hexagon tutorial for you and show you what the paper is for! I have tried a few different ways of doing it and I have come up with the easier way - at least for me! :)

  9. slowing down and thinking is good to do...I need to reenergise after all the change i have been going thr and hopefully will be more creative

  10. I love your sketches. My favourite is the bottom one too. They have a real calming feeling about them.

  11. I like the last one ... very pretty

  12. Nice sketches, I love the bottom one in particular. take your time...I'm sure something beautiful will come out of these.

  13. Good for you Kylie! I so applaud the seeking of creative balance. It's something that I struggle with myself. Gorgeous sketched coral-like shapes!

  14. I'll still try to remember to pop in and say hi even if you are not Creative Spacing!

  15. Sounds like there is a change a coming! Good luck with sorting out all the thinking and planning and ideas and finishing off.

    PS. The sketch of the tree is beautiful

  16. Thanks for sharing your sketches - the tree is lovely. Happy thinking ... looking forward to seeing what happens next!

  17. ..i enjoy seeing the white space of creativity become filled such an important part of the process

  18. Such an important part of the creative process. Watching the ideas evolve and become something concrete...

  19. Oh K! We are all pretty much one and the same. Lots of things on the go at once. Don't beat yourself up - I reckon just go with it. Perhaps if you get to the end of the year and you haven't finished anything, then I'll come over and give you a kick along. But until then - let the purpose of each project have its way with you (and they all do serve a different purpose don't you think?).


  20. I love peeks into sketchbooks. So interesting!

  21. I love to see a sketch book on the go. I get a bit frustrated that I haven't had time to sit and sketch, sometimes it's difficult to develop an idea when there are so many ideas spinning round.
    I like your bags, so patiently made.

  22. Lovin' the sketches, my brain goes blank when I even try to think of drawing lol...We all have our talents I suppose :)

  23. Well done Kylie, good thinking- You have begun a path and need to 'cook'it a bit in your sketchbook and your mind! I feel that eversince I started blogging and visiting blogs(especially your two!)there is a bit of information overload!One needs the time to process things. I love the cloud sketches in particular the one with the circle-pattern-
    Annamaria xx

  24. love the peek into your sketchbook! hmm i think i need to develop ideas and not be so flighty with projects too. way too many unfinished projects lurking about!! its a hard thing to stick to, something always pops up and i get all excited and have to try! but i find a sketchbook does help instead of doing, the idea can be jotted down and saved for when other things are finished!

  25. Wonderful sketches. How lovely to have notebook filled with these.

  26. Ah, there are grand things afoot! (surprise, surprise).

  27. lovely to see your sketchbook/journal beautiful drawings. As much as I love joining in, I too don't do My creative space each week, I just can't hack the pace!!!!!
